Anne Hathaway’s Catwoman going for a spin

Yesterday we got a first look at the new Man of Steele, today we get this curtesey of EW:

Anne Hathaway as Catwoman, stealing/borrowing Batman’s Bike?

Looking good but I am already as excited as I can possibly get for the third and final installment of Christopher Nolan’s Batman movies. Let’s be honest this picture would have been much better if Anne was not obstructed by the huge bike!

Update: Now with more pictures!

Source: Collider

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About Erik


  • Ron

    I hate to break it to yuh felluhs, but this is pretty much how Catwoman looks in the comics today. Then when reboot comes this September, they have her looking a little different than this, so it’s pretty much a done deal with the suit.

  • DylanMAC

    I don’t see what the big deal is, I mean, if that kind of head gear was real, all of us would want it, that thing is gonna help her kick ass. And the rest of the costume is great! Anne Hathaway in tights? Do you guys really not like hot girls in tights? It’s going to be a great film, I have faith in Nolan, he hasn’t let anyone down yet.

    • Erik

      I’m with you on this one Dylan. Hot girls in tights are fantastic and Nolan is the movie making equivalent.

  • Lawrence

    I don’t like this. It would’ve been awesome if Nolan omitted Catwoman and included Azrael in this movie instead.

  • Thordan

    I watched that Holly Barry Catwoman yesterday. It blows chunks in comparison to anything Nolan even looks at.

    But honestly I’m not too into the Catwoman thing. Bat, as a symbol of fear, incorruptible, yada yada like Wayne said in B. Begins works for me. I buy it. But wtf is Nolan going to do with a cat?

    The way I see it, Catwoman would be that bearded lady who owns 47 cats. Then the government comes in and takes them away. She goes bat-shit (pun) crazy and becomes this super cat lady out of rage and begins a war against the system. Only way to make it work IMO. Nolan is fucked otherwise.

  • Jenny

    What’s that color blue on the head gear? And why blue?

  • Jeff M.

    Christopher Nolan knows what he is doing. Remember everyone freaking out when we found out Heath Ledger was going to be the Joker…well look how that turned out. Won an Oscar for it. Relax people. Nolan is going to blow everyones minds with this last Batman.

  • RPM

    Remember when we were all a little nervous about a new Joker. Of course, Heath Ledger knocked it out of the park. Even if the same role were played by someone else, (but still a credible actor) the performance would have still been good (just different) because it was written and filmed by NOLAN. He will make sure DKR is awesome. I have no doubts.

  • Bigsampson

    haha wow the amount of cry baby fandom is pathetic to hear. You have no clue what so ever wtf is going on here other then AH on a bike, Stop crying and go take a shot…

    • Geno


    • bernard

      tell me about it. Like you don’t know…. “fanboyism”
      Worst off if you read the neighborhood movie & comic forums.