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January 25, 2011

A better look at Spidey’s new duds

— Posted by The "Superior" Anthony

And the torrent of leaks continues around this movie as we get a much closer, and clearer look at the new Spider-Man costume from the upcoming reboot. In these new shots you get a much clearer look at the liberties taken from the original costume design, and the contrasts between this costume and what was used in the previous trilogy.


Aside from the previously revealed web shooters I also noticed a few other changes from the previous designs. There are these “streaks” of color added to interconnect portions of the costume and creates a design that is seemingly a mix of the classic costume and the costume worn by Spidey’s 2099 counterpart Miguel O’Hara. There may be a change in the size of the eyes that may seem “small” to some but I really don’t think they are vastly different from what I’ve seen in the Sam Raimi movies. I’m still hoping to see the inclusion of the circular spider-logo on his back that is used in the comics, but that probably won’t be happening. I don’t really like the fact that the web shooters are a clearly visible aspect of his costume as they’re not so easy to see in the comics and, to me, help bring a level of surprise to Spidey’s arsenal for enemies that aren’t familiar with him. I’m apprehensively optimistic about the changes as I feel they will help differentiate the Spidey we see in this film series from any previous incarnations and I really don’t think that they will be a detriment to the film in the long run.

I think the real suspense will come when they finally unveil the Lizard.

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  • Amanda

    As least with him in a running suit that has been air brushed, its a more believable costume for a high school student to have.

  • Sophie

    it looks like a clay figure.
    too soon for a new spidey saga, bet it’ll be more of a teenage flick than the provious ones

    • Rodney

      I don’t know what clay you are using that looks like a man in lycra.

      Its only “too soon” if it sucks. No one will care how soon it is if the film turns out great.

  • Col Hans Landa SS

    SPIDERMAN vs the CHEVY TAHOE…….in 3D! ’nuff said

    • AB

      you said it. :)
      now i would pay good money to see that. lol

  • Dirk S.

    Glad to see them actually using human actors for some stunts rather than just turning 2/3 of the movie into a cgi fest.

  • Chris

    I think most of those shots are really unflattering as the lighting is completely different to what it’ll be in the movie. To me it looks more cartoony, but prolly just because he’s in such bright lighting.

    I think it fits that Spidey’s a bit stringy in this, I suppose he looks a bit younger. Not sure if I’m excited ’bout the overall storyline either, tho.

  • Roman

    It looks like Spider-man meets VR Troopers. I’m really okay with that, though. I like the new suit.

    • Jamie

      Me too. I think everyone needs to simmer down and just wait for the movie to come out before judging. Everyone hated on Daniel Craig prior to Casino Royale and he was a BAMF in that movie.

  • Roman

    Man whoever is in that suit has a horrible stringy shape. Also the eyes suck, it looks like they are going for the Spectacular Spiderman look from the Disney Channel, the story with Gwen Stacy and the whole highschool angle goes with the disney channel animated show as well.

    • Pman-67

      What story are you talking about? I’ve heard that this movie will have Peter back in highschool, but I haven’t heard any specifics on the story. As far as Gwen goes, that goes back to the comics. She was alsways Peter’s first love.

      • isaiah

        wasn’t it Betty Brant who was peters first love interest? she appears 2 years earlier than Gwen Stacy in the comic books

      • Roman

        The costume and the story arch of Peter in HS with Gwen and interning with doctor conners/lizard. I know it is one of the earliest comic incarnations but I am simply linking the costume with the Disney Cartoon Series.

      • Pman-67

        Yes, Betty was around before either Gwen or Mary Jane, but Gwen has always been considered Peter’s first love.

      • bjon86

        You guys need to stop talking about the eyes. They’re obviously going to put the eyes in, in CG, dork.

      • Rodney

        Well DORK, there is nothing saying they will or will not CG his eyes in, and there is nothing saying that they wont use CG and make them the same shape as these ones.

        You don’t know, so dont be a pompous ass pretending you know better.

        They could do as you say, but there is NOTHING out there confirming that yet.

      • bjon86

        hahaha dude, Rodney. They arent going to leave it like that. there were similar shot from the previous films where they eyes were “on” but obviously in post production they were. Are you saying they’re just going to leave his eyebrows and hair sticking out like that? ummm I think not. I dont need them to say “well on this particular part of the suit, we are going to CG it in later” I’ve seen enough movies over the years to know they will.

        It’s just obvious at this point in the CGI movie game.

      • bjon86

        hahaha dude, Rodney. They arent going to leave it like that. there were similar shots from the previous films where the eyes weren’t “on” but obviously in post production they were. Are you saying they’re just going to leave his eyebrows and hair sticking out like that? ummm I think not. I dont need them to say “well on this particular part of the suit, we are going to CG it in later” I’ve seen enough movies over the years to know they will.

        It’s just obvious at this point in the CGI movie game.

        But I won’t be a total dick. I will say that IF they do in fact leave the eyes like that, that will be some super duper gay ass shit. But I just don’t think they will. I mean nobody is looking at that and thinking that looks awesome.

    • 420BAND

      Yeah thats pretty much the deal, BUT that show isn’t really bad at all.

      Time will tell, and I’m kinda relieved at what I’m seeing actually!
      Shit coulda gone all sorts of wrong w/ the suit.

      Like I’ve said in other posts: Raimi’s was “Amazing Spiderman”
      this has a Spectacular/Ultimate/Scarlet Spider look to it (Hybrid if you may)

      So far I’m cool with it.

    • Rodney

      People are commenting on the size and shape of them. No, I don’t think they are going to leave his eyes visible through the eyeholes with a sheer nylon layer over them. But there is nothing saying they wont be shaped narrow like these instead of the big eyes that Raimi’s Spiderman had.

  • Federico

    Is that a stunt man or Garfield?

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