New Transformers TV Spot

Theres a new transformers clip, showing a few things we havent seen before. Its pretty short and sweet, but looks no different from the first film really… Hey I’m still real excited about it though! Cannot wait to see. What do you guys think?

Those nascars look sweeet, and bumblebee mid transformation is kinda cool. I also love that Optimus still has his wings from the previous film. Thoughts, guys?

About Ian Fay

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  • Lawrence

    I think Soundwave will go mano y mano with the Autobots in this movie.

  • Tculbe1

    All of the bots have been updated this time around. Optimus’ trailer actually is part of his wings and battle armor. Also appears all autobots will have a 3rd “weapons” mode, similar to that of the wreckers,

    Like what the direction this film is going…

  • Lawrence

    I want the Dinobots after this sequel.

  • joe C

    i like what they are doing

  • Mister Mortombachman

    They should tone down the complexity of the characters designs. I can hardly tell what’s going on.

  • Anthony

    It looks like a typical”transformers” trailer to me. And I mean that in a good way. For better or for worse, I really enjoy the last two films, and I’ve seen both of them multiple times. and I’m really liking this trailer also. It’s probably another nice one movie, i am so much excited…

  • Kevin C

    I think the wings on Prime are his trailer when he transforms, still looks sweet.

  • Lawrence

    Seems that this film is trying to replicate the magic of the first Transformers movie. Hope it won’t suck like part 2 did .

  • 420BAND

    More coherant(easier to make apart) bot on bot action, less parent forced comedy.
    Then I’m fine! Bring it on bitches!