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January 11, 2011

28 Months Later May Still Happen

— Posted by The "Superior" Anthony

I’m a fan of the zombie film series created by director Danny Boyle. I really enjoyed the 1st movie and thought that the 2nd film was a really cool extension of the first, and now ShockTilYouDrop is reporting that a 3rd movie in the series is still being considered by the acclaimed director.

Boyle in recent months has said that he’s got a lot of projects on his plate at the moment, including the 2012 Olympics, but he would consider directing a third film. What’s the latest? Pretty much the same thing, however, he seems to be making some time to think about it:

“There is a good idea for it, and once I’ve got Frankenstein open, I’ll begin to think about it a bit more.”

Boyle is a busy guy! I have to admit that I loved the 28 series and it easily became my personal favorite zombie series. I’ve seen a few zombie movies but something about the zombies in these series and their Olympic level speed resonated with me to the point that anytime I hear the number 28 I swear I hear the the theme music to this series in my head. The fact that he has so much going on right now suggests that it may be up to 28 months before we hear anything about it entering production, but this does bring hope. Any international friends interested in another entry in the series?

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  • BlazeGardner

    my personal idea for where this movie should take place is in either the u.s or a different part of the world, you know something slightly different, maybe even throw some animals into it that have the rage virus,… just a thought.

  • Re_tep1

    I agree with the Cillian Murphy man-crush comment. I also am straight, but can admit when my heart melts. I got one after 28 days as well. I’ve been a Murphy fan since (always a Boyle fan). A Boyle-fueled 3rd installment would be a beautiful ending to a trilogy. 28 weeks was entertaining, but Cillian sticking his thumbs into a wierd soldier’s eye sockets is creepily erotic?! What?! Yeah,, deep down, you agree. Just watch and ponder:)

  • Craig

    I hate to be the one to point this out but the 28 series isn’t about zombies. The people are infected with a fast acting virus causing blinding rage. It’s totally feasible that some of them would still be smart enough to hide from fire and soldiers with guns.
    In 28 days, when he’s in the church the priest even looks like he’s flailing his arms as a warning to make him go away before it’s too late.
    I’d love to see another extension of this series!

    • mark73

      Have been waiting for this since the second film. Like others have said a 28 years woul dbe superb too! This needs sorting

    • mark73

      Have been waiting for this since the second film. Like others have said a 28 years would be superb too! This needs sorting

  • MADMAX_007

    I guess I’m the only one here that actually enjoyed 28 Weeks Later a hell of a lot more than Boyle’s 28 Days Later.

    I found the original a bit tedious and slow in some parts; the parts that many found to be suspenseful in that movie, I found to be boring. 28 Weeks Later went EPIC! It was fast, exciting, AND terrifying all at once like a TRUE rollercoaster ride.

    It’s the same way I feel about the original Alien movie and the superior Aliens sequel. It was just bigger, badder, and more exciting!! So because of these reasons, I’m not that excited about Boyle returning to direct 28 Months Later.

    • Scott

      I see your point but the set-up from days didn’t really lend itself to such a big leap into a huge explosive Americans save the day movie. They’re was hardly anyone left when days started nevermind when it ended.

  • Anthony

    I, personally, enjoyed both films for what they were as 2 different approaches to the same concept. I didn’t mind that the 2nd was a larger scope movie at all and was fine that they focused on a particular family. There were parts that I thought were weak, but I never thought it was a “bad” movie. There are far worst zombie movies out there that 28 weeks, IMO, doesn’t deserve the shame of sharing a category with.

    I knew that Boyle didn’t direct the 2nd film, he Executive Produced, and would welcome his return to the directors chair.

  • Scott

    The second was too “Hollywood”, big explosions, US army coming to the rescue etc. Went too big for me. Should have been kept low-key like the first one but maybe had a bigger cast fighting off more zombies in the city environment.

    Hopefully they will return to the hopelessness of the first, giving the viewer the chance to care for the survivors again.

  • art

    he better make a third. the fans demand it!!

  • Ian Fay

    Hmmm… I have mixed feelings about this. I adored the first film, I mean, Its one of my favourite films ever, it just moves me. I love it so much I got a man-crush on Cillian Murphy by association, and I’m straight!
    The sequel, if you ask me, pissed all over its legacy. I agree with Josh above me, it was inferior and didn’t carry the same tone or feeling as its predecessor. 28 Days Later felt fresh, Indie, even playfull at times. The sequel felt more like the Resident Evil sequels (I liked the first one), as in, it just didn’t have soul, the performances were forgettable (I’m a fan of carlyle), and they ruined the ’28’ universe for me, hijacking the first movie’s exciting rollar coaster and replacing it with something far less enjoyable and mundane.
    If there is to be a sequel, and Danny IS directing, I’ll cautiously get my hopes up. If its anyone else directing, it just wont feel right to me. I hope they bring back Alex Garland too.

    I don’t know why I just had that rant. I should be in bed. Its 00:27 in Ireland and I have to be up for six AM.
    Good night moviebloggers

  • Josh B

    Though I am pretty sure you didn’t mean it this way, I wanted to mention the second movie wasn’t directed by Danny Boyle.

    I thought the second was far inferior to the original. I didn’t like how the Robert Carlyle zombie seemed to be smarter than the other zombies. The way he hid from the explosions and seemed to go looking for the kids just put me off.

    I am excited that Boyle may be returning.

    • stan

      I totally agree. The way the first movie was filmed and how it was filmed is way superior than the sequel. How did Don find his kids all the time?

  • 420BAND

    Nothing against it really and Boyle is a visionary film director and all, BUT if he makes it 28 years later I’m o.k. with it.

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