Trailer: Wrath of the Titans

Another new trailer is online today with this one featuring Sam Worthington and Liam Neeson for the upcoming Wrath of the Titans film. Let’s take a look at how this movie is shaping below…

Via: Forces of Geek

I like a lot of the action that I’m seeing in this trailer and that 4 armed Goro thingy looks intimidating. I also get the impression that the filmmakers pay very close attention to the God of War video game series and use it as a reference for some of the action. Looks good, we’ll find out in March if it’s an improvement over ‘clash’.

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About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink

4 thoughts on “Trailer: Wrath of the Titans

  1. Trailer looks awesome. Cant wait till the movie comes out. Who is the guy with the four arms cuttin up people.

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