RUMOR: Hobbit may get delayed Man of Steel in 2012 instead

Posted by on 08. 12. 2011in News Chat

There’s a slight chance that we may see the Zack Snyder Superman reboot within 2012 after all! The movie was at one time scheduled for a Christmas 2012 release but was shuffled as other tentpoles like the Hobbit already claiming the spot.

Source: Geek Tyrant

One scenario we’re hearing involves the studio moving The Man of Steel, the Christopher Nolan-“Godfathered” Superman revival with Zack Snyder wearing the director cap into that Christmas ’12 slot. We’ve been told that production is flying as fast as the Big Blue himself with shooting to wrap early February, and scenes already being edited and sent out to various post-production houses as I type this.

I’d love to get a chance to see Man of Steel as soon as possible but I’d be completely bummed if it takes the Hobbit another year until release for this to happen. I love the chance to see a good Superman movie as much as the next guy and I’ve been pretty excited about the project for a very long time but not at the expense of my precious. I need some clarification ASAP.

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One Response to “RUMOR: Hobbit may get delayed Man of Steel in 2012 instead”

  1. ryan3d says:

    F that, seen to many crappy superman movies, to delay The hobbit

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