Look at the Three Stooges trailer

Posted by on 07. 12. 2011in News Chat

I just saw the three stooges trailer and finally have a much clearer representation of what the Farrelly brothers have cooked up for this upcoming movie. Let’s take a look…

I am severely underwhelmed. My expectations for the stooges themselves took a nosedive when Penn, Carrey, and Del Toro all left the project and the sight of Snooki evoked a new level of distaste for this project. I chuckled here and there and the actors seem to be giving a helluva effort but I think I might’ve outgrown the stooges a long time ago and this trailer has done nothing to re-invigorate any interest in this project. I’m moving on.

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8 Responses to “Look at the Three Stooges trailer”

  1. Art says:

    oh dear lord

  2. Julie says:

    My first thought was that this trailer was some kind of joke. I feel like this is going to be 2012′s Jack and Jill.

  3. Steven says:

    This is the biggest piece of shit I’ve ever seen

  4. Mr. James says:

    Who was the guy dressed up in drag as the nun when the bag gets thrown out of the car at the orphanage? For a second there and the voice I thought it was Larry David. Anybody else got guesses?

  5. Juice says:

    i think it looks great. the actors have done an excellent job with impersonating the original stooges and the farley brothers kept what the stooges did best…slapstick comedy. i’m not disappointed whatsoever.

    • Geno says:

      I agree I laughed throughout the trailer until the end. Not a fan of Snooki or Jersey Shore. But I think Will Sasso’s Curly is pretty solid.

      • Anthony says:

        I re-watched this trailer and still chuckled here and there. I’m not faulting the actors as they’re certainly giving their best impressions of the three stooges we remember. I think my problem is that it may be too similar. I had this issue with Bryan Singer’s superman film as well. It’s like an homage to ‘the Stooges’ without exactly being unique.

        I could wind up eating my words about this movie but I’m standing firm for now.

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