Trailer: The Hunger Games

It’s been fairly quiet on the front of the Hunger Games over the past couple of weeks. That all ends now. For those of you still chomping at the bit to get a first look at this movie in motion, allow me to give you an opportunity to indulge as the movie premiered its first trailer over the weekend.

I can’t get off the fence with this movie. My problem with the movie is that they’re not marketing or promoting it in a way to excite or capture the attention of anyone but fans of the novels. I want to be excited due to friends who are fans of the novels and highly recommend that I give the franchise a shot, but I just haven’t seen anthing “exceptional” about this movie yet. The premise is intriguing because of the idea of youngsters being lottery selected to participate in an olympic-like event for survival. I get that and that does truly does seem a unique film for today but I have yet to see something from this movie that seems “exceptional”. I’ll admit that I may have set expectations high due to the hype, but that’s hasn’t been easy for me to avoid with this movie.

I like movies based on books but I hate movies based on books that make me feel “left out” for not reading the book. I dont think I should have to read a book to understand a movie and a movie should have strong enough legs to stand on its own. I’m hoping that I finally get what it is I need from the marketing of this movie in order to hold this movie higher on my ‘radar’ but that has not yet happened.

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About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor

  • TheSwede

    when were this books written anyways?

    cuz this feels ALOT like battle royale… almost the whole plot. who’s copying who? :)

  • IAFT

    The trailer is not that great. It doesn’t give excitement to the viewers to watch the film. But i do hope that the entire movie will be good though..

  • Jose Ponce

    This movies doesn’t looks so good. I agree with you, I don’t think I need to read the book to fully understand it.

  • LAgirl

    From my standpoint I’ve read the books, but even if I didn’t IN the trailer it says from the famous young adult novels by Suzanne Collins. So maybe their point is that those who haven’t read the books take the time NOW to pick up a book or e-reader and get caught up. They are really easy reads. And it’s totally worth it!

  • jeff

    One would assume if they just had the “voice over” guy tell the beginning of the story, instead of donald sutherland telling what the hunger games are in the middle of the trailer, it would get people so much more excited.

    ive read the books, but if i hadnt, im not sure i would have understood what the heck was going on. why do they want to run? who would catch them? why cant they just leave?

    you shouldnt give the movie away, but playing to those that have read the books seems odd, they are already going to see the movie. get the uninformed excited.

    • Rodeostud

      They are not playing to those who read the books they are tryin to get you to ask those questions during the trailer so you will watch the movie! People are so blind these days.

      • Anthony

        The problem we’re having is that the trailer isn’t having that effect on those who have not read the books. This trailer relies on having an idea of the characters and world created in these books and it did very little to motivate me to see this in theaters.

  • Kevin C

    From the trailer it seems like they have done a great job bringing the source material to the big screen from a visual standpoint…not entirely sold on Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss, but Ill give her the benefit of the doubt.

  • David Lawyer

    I agree fully with you. The trailer itself seems late compared to other big, young adult films like Twilight. I mean this flick hits theaters pretty quick. My only hope is they really amp up the marketing machine after the holiday movie season is over. Looks promising, but it would have the big impact that they are hoping for if they just ‘assume’ that every one has read the trilogy (like me! I’ve read thru the trilogy 2 times.. :)