Trailer: Brave

Posted by on 17. 11. 2011in News Chat

I remember the first time I saw Merida’s locks in concept art and immediately began to believe that Pixar sought out to redefine the word ‘epic’. In somewhat of a surprise we finally get our first look at Pixar’s “Brave” in motion.

That trailer felt more like a teaser. I don’t know if at fault of the editors of the trailer or just my unhealthy thirst for more new, non-sequel, Pixar animations. Everything seems incredibly fluid and keen eyes will notice and appreciate the progression of Pixar’s rendering skills. It gives us a good sense of what the movie will be storyline wise, (familiar), and reassures that the comedic sense and characteristics of their films are still in tact.

It’s a gorgeous trailer leaves me wanting more. What more can I ask for?

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One Response to “Trailer: Brave”

  1. Kimball says:

    Amazing. I expect nothing less from Pixar. They are the greatest.

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