New Poster for the Expendables 2

Posted by on 21. 11. 2011in News Chat

Looking at this poster just might make you a sprout a chest hair or two. Seriously, the testosterone in this single photo oozing out of every pixel and how can it not? take a look for yourself!

Via: Empire

So many pecks, so many biceps, so many expendables that I can’t even compute anymore. Seeing Norris, van Damme, Governator, Willis and Stallone on the same poster is unearthing feelings for 80′s splosions that I never knew I had. Prolly should be illegal to take advantage of me like this bu I hope they keep em coming!

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6 Responses to “New Poster for the Expendables 2”

  1. AstaretMX says:

    Seriously… i cant belive the poster, i dont care about the plot, i dont care about the FX… i just want to see THE BIGGEST CAST in movie history.

    BTW… where´s Li ???

  2. Azizan Yatim says:

    damn! this is awesome. I don’t care about the plot too. it’s gonna be a ‘turn your brain off’ type of movie but frankly, I don’t care.

    I just wanna see my childhood heroes blow things up and try to choke the life out of each other in a brawl to the death!

    okay. gotta see the doctors now - I think I just grown an extra testicle.

  3. goldstar0011 says:

    That looks like a combination of every 80′s VHS cover in one

    Jet Li is on movie, says at top with names, just not in picture, or probably behind the big guys!

    I want this poster!

  4. Shane says:

    Is that girl Li? Seriously?

  5. cigarette pas chere says:

    At least some bloggers can still write. Thank you for this writing.

  6. Tycent says:

    Li’s too small

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