Michael Shannon updates us on Zod’s Costume

Posted by on 01. 11. 2011in News Chat

Some of us are still scratching our heads as to the specifics regarding Michael Shannon being spotted in a motion capture suit on the set of the Man of Steel picture. He offered up a bit of clarification about the costume while promoting “Take Shelter” when asked if he would be donning the infamous parachute pants of Zod.

Source: Rama’s Screen

[Laughs] Yeah, the flowy costumes don’t really… that’s not the style nowadays. Everything’s skintight.
There’s two different modes. There’s something that I have to wear a motion-capture suit for, because if I actually wore it, I wouldn’t be able to move. It’s a very big…thing. I actually don’t know what it’s going to look like, I just know that it’s very cumbersome. There’s another thing that I wear that’s an actual costume. It’s pretty simple. There’s no paisley or anything.

I don’t know. That’s the thing about these movies. I could have an elephant head.

Some of us have long since decided to rest in the assumption that Zack Snyder would be taking the Jim Lee design of the character that popped in comics in which Zod was a large hulking beast as shown here:

I’m going to continue resting in this conclusion and look forward to what exactly Snyder unveils when it’s finally time for us to kneel before get a good look at Zod’s alternate form.

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2 Responses to “Michael Shannon updates us on Zod’s Costume”

  1. CaptainJack says:

    Strike-through fail.

    Great article though, can’t wait for this movie!

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