Left Behind movie reboot/remake

Posted by on 09. 11. 2011in News Chat

Another day another reboot/remake. Today’s offering is of those left behind when God decides to close up shop on Earth and take the deserving with him to heaven. Those Left Behind though… well, that’s the point of these movies:

Source: Dark Horizons

Based on the novel series by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins, the story focused on the mythology of the End of Days and the Rapture with the first film unfolding just a few hours after the Rapture has occurred and focuses on those few people left behind on Earth.
Now, Cloud Ten is looking into a reboot of the franchise with this version sporting a budget in the $15 million range. Paul Lalonde and John Patus penned the script which opts out of the political thriller aspects of the original trilogy in favour of more conventional disaster movie aspects in an effort to reach a wider audience. A hunt for a director is now on.

The idea that the rapture occurs and being one of the few people who manage to survive on the planet after the apocalyptic event is an incredibly interesting premise to re-explore in film. How many guys? How many girls? How many young children do we get to watch improbably survive impossible odds? My mind insists on assuming that Roland Emmerich may want a hand in this movie but he’s busy wooing Will Smith. Not sure what direction they go, or if there is any desire for some Kirk Cameron involvement, but I’m interested enough to find out more.

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2 Responses to “Left Behind movie reboot/remake”

  1. Mr Hoopla says:

    With all the useless remakes out there I think this is a solid choice. Most people did not see the original and the story is awesome. I know I am excited for this one.

  2. Tripp Van Easille says:

    It would be a “Solid” idea/choice IF it was in the hands of some outfit OTHER THAN this group!!! Please GOD -a BIG NOOOOOOOO!!!!! It was laughable the first go-round!!!!

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