Trailers: Martin Scorsese’s Hugo

Posted by on 25. 10. 2011in News Chat

I’m kicking myself right now. You see, I just stumbled upon the 2nd trailer for Martin Scorsese’s upcoming movie Hugo. Don’t misundersand because I’m glad that I found the new trailer because it actually looks great, but I’m disappointed that I somehow missed the 1st trailer! I have them both for us to watch here.

Trailer 1

Trailer 2

Via: Fused Film

Wow. That looks really good and only surprises me because it’s from the same guy who’s made a career out of directing much grittier movies like The Departed, Gangs of New York, and Good Fella’s. It’s no secret that I don’t often like todays’ family movies but this movie right here looks to be an exceptional exception to the rule.

I like the music. It was the first thing that caught my attention when watching these trailers as they seemed to perfectly compliment the sense of wonder that was showing in the trailer itself. It’s subtle, but strongly effective which comes as little surprise considering that the music is by Academy Award winner Howard Shore.

Another tidbit that caught my attention was the detailed settings. Each scene gave me the impression that it could have been picked out of a museum with that extra attention to detail popping up several time in the set pieces and character wardrobe. It helps immerse the viewer in the time period that they’re trying to portray which is still questionable since we’re talking about a place where sentient robots, presumably, exist.

I’m looking forward to finding out more about this movie but I’m still not fully sold on watching this in theaters. I’m sure that the theater will be the best place to enjoy this 3D movie, but my stubborn apprehension regarding “family oriented” movies still has the best of me. What do you guys think? Worth a trip to the theater?

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2 Responses to “Trailers: Martin Scorsese’s Hugo”

  1. jimf says:

    It looks very interesting and imaginative.

  2. denise says:

    I, my daughter and 7yr old grandson found Hugo to be a huge disappointment. We waited for it to get better but it never did. Bad acting and boring and we left 3/4 way through.

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