Martin Scorsese might Direct Nesbo’s “Snowman”

Posted by on 27. 10. 2011in News Chat

I can’t think of a recent Martin Scorsese movie I don’t like as he seems to have a handle on making movies interesting movies across a few different genre’s, and I especially enjoyed last years’ mystery movie Shutter Island with Leo DiCaprio. Today we’re learning that he might return to the mystery genre with an adaptation of “Snowman”.

Source: Dark Horizons

Scorsese has been circling the project for the last month and is now seriously considering the project based on the seventh novel in Nesbo’s series following detective Harry Hole. The story concerns a missing woman whose pink scarf is found wrapped around an ominous-looking snowman. Hole discovers that the crime may be the work of a serial killer.

It doesn’t take much to get me excited about a Scorcese movie so it’s immediately on the radar. soon the fun part can begin and we can start looking at casting choices and whatnot.

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One Response to “Martin Scorsese might Direct Nesbo’s “Snowman””

  1. Sim says:

    That would be incredible! Guess I’ll have to start reading Jo Nesbo books - I know Summitt Entertainment has acquired the rights to make an English language version of Headhunters so Nesbo is obviously hot right now.
    Do you think the popularity of Steig Larsson factors into this at all?
    Anyway, can’t wait to see how The Snowman develops.

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