A Good Day to Die Hard

Posted by on 13. 10. 2011in News Chat

Die Hard 5 is starring to pick up steam as the movie has just secured a release date of and title. Yes, that’s it in the title of this post. No, I’m not at all kidding.

Source: Film School Rejects

Fox has announced that Die Hard 5 is on their schedule for wide theatrical release on February 14, 2013, and that the official title of the film will be A Good Day to Die Hard.

Valentines Day?! Valentines day is a good day to die hard? Really? Kidding aside, I strongly welcome a new movie in the franchise but the title is a little disappointing in that it’s bit corny. I’ll try not to poke too much,(HA!), fun at this movie but seriously it’s going to be hard. Like the Valentine’s day hard.

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11 Responses to “A Good Day to Die Hard”

  1. Nate-O says:

    I personally thought “Old Habits DIE HARD”…wouldve been a way better title

  2. Kleino says:

    As a title I don’t really like it but it would make a pretty good tagline for the poster or even a line from the movie (which I’m sure it will be).

  3. Thordan says:

    Any word on whether its rated R?

  4. partymarty says:

    Well Live Free or Die Hard was called Die Hard 4.0 here in the UK so hopefully they will spare us this corny title also.

  5. Lawrence says:

    Internationally , this movie will simply be called Die Hard 5 . I’m glad there’s another sequel…

  6. Mark says:

    I’m looking forward to seeing this, though they’ll do well to beat Die Hard 4…

  7. James says:

    I’m just curious if Bruce Willis is going to have his hair in this one? I’m really getting tired of seeing a bald Bruce Willis in all the movie he’s in.

  8. Sheri informatics says:

    I’m glad to see Die Hard Series. I hope next serial movie can be really good. I’m very curious to see this. :-)

  9. Sridhar says:

    I Hope the the movie Die Hard 5 will release very soon. This series might be thrill, action, adventures, etc than previous. When it is coming on the theatres.

  10. BEST MOVIE DIALOGUES FOREVER The Living Quotes says:

    Die Hard : Nine million terrorists
    Nine million terrorists in the world and I gotta kill one with feet smaller than my sister

  11. KB says:

    Every one of the die hard movies have been great. So I can’t wait for this one. The title could use some work though.

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