8 minutes of Dark Knight Rises with IMAX Ghost Protocol?

There’s a rumor circulating the web today that the IMAX release of Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol will show 8 minutes of Chris Nolan’s anticipated Dark Knight Rises. Here’s what’s being said:

Source: Geek Tyrant

According to the report the news comes from “A trusted theater (read: exhibitor) source.” It would be incredibly awesome if this turns out to be true! One might think that this could be false because the two movies come from two different studios, Mission Impossible is set up at Paramount, while The Dark Knight Rises is set up at Warner Bros., but one thing they do have in common is IMAX, so it would make sense that two big profile films like this could come together for an IMAX event.

I’m not buying it yet. The idea of 2 studio’s colluding in this way is waaay too uncommon to give this rumor too much credit but I’d be happy to be wrong. Ghost Protocol isn’t having too much trouble with stirring up some hype but if this turns out to be true then I expect it to turn our collective geek interest into overdrive and further help this movie in the box office in a appreciable way. Looking forward to finding out if this one has any merit and will be sure to let you guys know either way.

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