Tom Hiddleston WILL be in Thor 2

Posted by on 01. 09. 2011in News Chat

Thor was a hit for Marvel Films back in May by grossing over $440 Million World Wide for the house of ideas. Not too shabby. Not only will Thor stars Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston reprise their roles for the upcoming Avengers movie, but they’ll also return for the eventual sequel for Thor. When recently quizzed on what type of role Loki would play in the movie Hiddleston responded with the following:

Source: Filmonic

“In ‘The Avengers’ he’s really dark and kind of sociopathic, or maybe even psychopathic is the word, in a deluded way. Obviously I haven’t let go of the spiritual damage at the heart of him, it still comes from that lost place, but he’s just incredibly nasty. I think that probably in ‘Thor 2′ his previous actions will, he’ll have to take responsibility for what he’s done. The great thing about Loki is there is potential in him for greatness and awfulness, for great heroism and great villainy. There are still, even within ‘The Avengers,’ there are moments where you see within Loki a glimmer of hope and that possibility of redemption. It makes it fun to play and it makes it fun for the audience. Nobody is black and white, there are shades of grey in all of us. We all have potential for greatness and we all have flaws. I for one am championing the redemption,” he added hopefully, along with a wish for a future Thor and Loki action scene: “This isn’t definitely going to happen, but I think there would be nothing more awesome than seeing Loki and Thor fight somebody side by side.”

It sounds like the man has a clear idea of where things are going post Avengers, and he isn’t afraid to drop some clues. I’m shocked as Marvel had previously had a pretty restrictive gag order on the cast of the Avengers movie, so it’s more than a little enlightening to finally have a somewhat clear direction of where things may be going post Avengers. Loki and Thor team up? Now why on Midgar would they do that…?

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4 Responses to “Tom Hiddleston WILL be in Thor 2”

  1. Derek 8-Track says:

    this announcement is an Avengers Spoiler. Loki lives.

  2. Browntastic says:

    Everyone saw that he was in it from the Avengers trailer after Captain America…not really breaking news…

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