Look at the Man of Steel Costumes

Posted by on 01. 09. 2011in Headlines, News Chat

**UPDATE** - A few more photo’s have leaked from the set with a good look at the lower portion of Faora’s costume as well as the return of Superman’s Cape.

Today we get a good look at the Superman costume that will be utilized in the upcoming Man of Steel comic. A REALLY GOOD look at what changes have been made, and what may have been overlooked when previously reviewing the changes to the iconic characters’ wardrobe.

Via: Jo Blo and Latino Review

Man, we’re getting a CGI cape aren’t we? I can’t imagine any other reason he wouldn’t be wearing one except for the possibility that this is a slow-mo battle and they’ll add the cape later using CGI. What’s that on his ribcage? Whatever it is it doesn’t look like it’s a big deal and probably won’t sway my opinion of the film in any meaningful way. Looking forward to some footage for this one, but theses shots do help hold me over in the mean time.

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18 Responses to “Look at the Man of Steel Costumes”

  1. Knight91 says:

    Aside from a few-too-many seams, it looks good. I can deal with the lack of shorts. And now that we see Mr. Cavill from different angles, he looks like a pretty good Supes.

  2. Mat says:

    kinda disappointed theres no red undies -.- xD but looks like a cool reboot xP

  3. CaptainJack says:

    where’s the superman hot pants? what is this world coming to when superman doesn’t get his hot pants?!

  4. Enoid says:

    man those suits look hot…like hot to be in, like it dosent breath and by the time your out you leave a pint of sweat in the boots, although looks cool and i wonder who the guy in the mo-cap suit will be /ponder

  5. thuggy33 says:

    Cavill as Supes I get and can handle now but I’m not yet convinced with the Spider-man looking costume and NO RED PANTS!!! come on he’s had them from day dot. Superman HAS RED PANTS!!!! and has done since 1938. Please…!!

  6. isaiah says:

    i just wished someone would make a movie of superman with Brainiac, Doomsday or Bizzaro, the suit looks fine with me, change is good
    i still think Hugo Weaving would make an excellent Brainiac, cant wait for a trailer and the movie, have a good day everyone

  7. supercaculo says:

    underpants? in my head that was what made superman kind of stupid. who ever came up with that idea had to be drunk at the time. my question is. where is the cape? is it going to be CG? if so i have no hope for the movie.

  8. goldstar0011 says:

    Can’t these photos be either a pre-shoot test, cape would be heavy or he could have lost it in a battle

    Either way, I’m looking forward to the film not just a new suit

    • methos84 says:

      That’s what I was thinking too. Perhaps the shots without the cape were rehearsals or downtime. Makes sense Cavill wouldn’t wear the cape when the cameras are not rolling.

  9. ramsey says:

    from the looks of this, im glad there are no muppets in this film. it looks like we may have some “lanbrynth david bowie shot” if you know what im saying.

  10. Emily says:

    Henry Caville is officially the hottest Superman EVER! :)

  11. knowone says:

    Suit looks like Jim Lee’s redesign for the new 52 reboot.

    • Anthony says:

      It’s close but not quite. the Jim Lee redesign has superman with a collar around his neck and he wears Armor. Go figure.

  12. MediaFire DVDS says:

    Its gonna be awesome …. ;)

  13. Anti-Septic says:

    Huge Superman fan here, when many stopped reading I kept on. I love the whole Superman mythos and I gotta say I love the new suit! Sure its a drastic change from what I love but anything that breathes life into one of my favorite characters I am all for it.

    Just seeing ladies remark upon it just means the suit is working and drawing more renewed interest all around.

    Bring on the movie already!

  14. Kevin C says:

    It looks to me that the shots where hes not wearing the cape are from in between takes, the same thing was seen on the set of Superman Returns with Routh walking around sans-cape. Its probably just very cumbersome and uncomfortable and thus removed when not filming…

  15. Corey Dank says:

    lookes better than captain america’s suit :p

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