Behind the scenes of Star Wars

Posted by on 16. 09. 2011in News Chat

The original Star Wars trilogy needs no description. You know and everyone you know recognizes the brand and you personally know what it means to you. This isn’t some post about explaining why I love or you should love Star Wars. No, this is a MEDIA OVERLOAD of behind the scenes Star Wars photos.

Via: Geek Tyrant

See all that? Now you understand. Plenty of stories within just these photo’s alone. Now go, enjoy your weekend.

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who has written 486 posts on The Movie Blog

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2 Responses to “Behind the scenes of Star Wars”

  1. glaucon says:

    Egads man. Where did those pics come from?
    If they’re on the new release, I might just buy it…

  2. Zach says:

    Refuse to buy Star Wars until original theatrical versions are restored properly.

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