Avengers media Overload

Posted by on 15. 09. 2011in Headlines, News Chat

While reading one of my posts here on the site, (I do that!), I noticed one of these ad link thingies had a photo of Jeremy Renner in full Hawkeye garb and some more set photo’s that I hadn’t seen previously and looked interesting enough to share.

Man, I’m really liking the look of Captain America’s new costume. Jeremy seems… Idunno, I’ll hold of on judgment until I see more but it’s all still very exciting and getting me amped for this movie. Scarlett looks welcome and I’m grateful to see some of the team together in some action scenes to whet my appetite. Summer 2012 is looking stellar.

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15 Responses to “Avengers media Overload”

  1. ryan3d says:

    i love thor giving the lady a hug.

  2. steFan D says:

    ,,,and I love Scarlett in tight outfits.

  3. Roderick says:

    cool boots Cap.

  4. Lawrence says:

    Scarlett is hot hot hot.

  5. Pre Preview says:

    This movie looks awful! I can’t wait to review the preview.

  6. giantguy1321 says:

    Is it me or does Cap’s new costume look a little to 1990′s live action Captan America in style? We’re back to that spandex like (all be it lightly armoured) skin-tight number again!!!??? For me it just doesn’t work as a real-world, frontline superhero costume!!

    However I’ll wait for the team photo to see how it stacks up against Iron man, Thor and the Hulk.

    • glaucon says:

      I agree. Verry 80′s plasticy looking.

      I’ve always thought Cap’s costume was pretty silly, in any incarnation, but this is brutal. Colours way too vivid. And what’s up with those shoulder stripes??


      • Jimbo says:

        Yeah Captain’s custome looks terrible it looks packed with padding and its too bright blue so it makes it look very cheese. Hawkeye’s custome looks very real world type and also kinda ultimates custome. Black widow looks awsome but cap sucks big time

      • Terry Letourneau says:

        Not too crazy about the Captain America outfit too, but I did love the WW2 version though.

  7. Roderick says:

    i’m going to assume all you captain america haters are terrorists.

  8. ramsey says:

    i love the thor pic with the lady. and in the second pic, with chris evans in regular clothes, loki is in the background. im so amped for this movie. this is gonna be watched in imax. cant wait

  9. Art says:

    I had it the other way around from Anthony. To me, Captain America looks weird and Hawkeye looks awesome. Thor and Loki look awesome! As does ScarJo!!

  10. ProMovieBlogger says:

    I watched Thor recently (garbage) but was surprised to see Hawkeye make a very cool appearance. It was one of the best shot scenes in the film. I wish he had more screen with that agent that is in every film.

  11. Kate B says:

    I’m convinced that when I sit down to watch this movie in theaters I may just spontaneously combust… and I mean that in the best way possible.

  12. Julie W says:

    I am excited about this movie. I’ve enjoyed the films leading up to it, except Thor (I felt rushed in that one). I think that the new movie could be really great. It’ll be the first movie of it’s kind to have multiple individual superhero’s on the same screen. It will be interesting to see how they play it out. I’ve also enjoyed how they’ve taken the time and effort to set it all up and connect the stories.

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