Arrested Development next summer?

Posted by on 15. 09. 2011in News Chat

Ya know, I’ve never seen a single episode of Arrested Development. It came out during my college days so most of everything during that period was a blur, and I never watched TV. So, as such I don’t share the same enthusiasm about the movie as some people but I do know that there are interested parties perusing our site so…
Source: Forces of Geek

“I can’t give anything official, except to say things are progressing along very very well and things are definitely on course for the film to be shot… my guess would be that we would shoot it the middle of next year.”

He seems to have a clear idea about the stage of development but is still a bit apprehensive to give an exact start date. Either way, he seems pretty confident that it will actually happen… or he’s like a few other stars who love teasing the audiences that appreciated them on TV and needs to maintain interest to maintain consistent work moving forward. Either way, I still think he was the weakest link in Horrible Bosses so it’s gonna take a lot to get me interested in ANYTHING he works on.

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7 Responses to “Arrested Development next summer?”

  1. Zach says:

    For now Anthony I suggest you stop publishing posts on here and watch every single Arrested Development episode, come back and then share the enthusiasm for the development of the film!;-)

    • wolfpack says:

      Funniest TV show ever. I loved Seinfeld, but AD has more laughs per minute. It’s as ridiculous as It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, yet somehow far more clever and “smart” and consistently good. And the cast was just pitch perfect, not a weak link among them. My biggest hesitation with the movie is that it feels like the creator, Mitchell Hurwitz, just seemed to catch lightning in a bottle. Nothing else he’s done, before or since, has been even a fraction as funny as AD. After so many years, could he recreate the magic that he’s not been able to achieve with any other project?

    • DAVE says:

      Anthony: you gotta get this done. It’s on Netflix for free streaming. You are denying yourself a great worldly pleasure.

      • Anthony says:

        I did! I figured I’d catch a few on Saturday and wound up marathoning through a lot of the 1st season. Really really funny TV show, but I’m struggling with imagining this thing transitioning into a movie. Maybe as I get further along ill see how it would work but at the moment I think its best suited as a show.

        I can understand why people would want more of this show but I just do t think I’d wanna pay money to see a 2hr episode in theaters

  2. Art says:

    Best… show… ever!!!! Shame it never lasted on tv. But you miss one episode and its hard to get caught up since it was so fast paced and had several different plot points to follow. Thankfully, DVD provides us with opportunities for repeated viewings!

  3. shaman says:

    awesome show!!!! cant wait to see the movie

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