Wrath of the Titans

Posted by on 02. 08. 2011in News Chat

The sequel to one of 2010′s biggest disappointments gets a title: Wrath of the Titans. Ever since seeing the first trailer back in 2009, I had high hopes for Clash of the Titans, and saw every trailer and practically religiously read every piece of news regarding the movie.

Warner Bros. Pictures has officially titled the sequel to 2010′s Clash of the Titans, and it will be: Wrath of the Titans.
Director Jonathan Liebesman has been filming the sequel in England and off the coast of Spain. The project has previously been known as Clash of the Titans 2.

Source: MovieWeb

They have a bunch of names on board that rarely let me down: Liam Neeson, Ralph Fiennes and Bill Nighy — and still the news doesn’t get me even a little bit excited.

Whats your thoughts on this sequel?

Oh and did I mention — Jonathan Liebesman is credited with movies such as World Invasion: Battle Los Angeles, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning and Darkness Falls as examples of his past work. Yay.

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11 Responses to “Wrath of the Titans”

  1. 420band says:

    I thought we knew that was the name already…

    after the last “butchering” no thanks..

    • methos84 says:

      Me too. Other sites have been calling it “Wrath of the Titans” for some time now…so I thought the title was already official.

  2. DAVE says:

    We’ve known the name for awhile. Also we’ve known that this franchise doesn’t deserve another film.

  3. Thordan says:

    Bad movie? Yes. Did I have fun watching it on Netflix? Yes.

  4. Rod says:

    They won’t be getting my money this time around.

  5. brian says:

    I had a great time watching it online. Thank god they didnt steal my dollar

  6. bjon86 says:

    The first one was crap. the whole format was terrible. If the second one has any similarities at all to the first, it will be a piece of crap. no thanks. I’ll do netflix instant watch or maybe stay on the channel, if it comes on HBO or something one day.

  7. Harris says:

    the first one was kinda crappy …i hope this one is better

  8. los americanoa says:

    OH GOD!! NO!!!
    Painful memories reappearing!!!
    Must forget…

  9. JP says:

    Actually liked the re-make. Story development was def lacking attention. But why not another action film based on Greek Mathology.

  10. Boiyoiyoing says:

    Hey… I will say this for the first one: Liam Neeson releasing the Kraken ALONE was worth $20 to see in 3D. If I could get it on a roll, I wouldn’t have wiped my behind with the rest of the film. So bad.

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