Second UK trailer for Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy

“He’s a fanatic, and the fanatic is always concealing the secret.”

The second trailer for Tomas Alfredsons new thriller is out, Focus Features has this scheduled for release November 18th in the US.

Source: Firstshowing

Set in the aftermath of the Cold War, Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, also described as a “breathtakingly ordinary” anti-James Bond, this tells the tale of a big spy hunt within the highest echelons of the British Secret Intelligence Service.

Wow! This trailer really got me excited. Take a look at the cast; Gary Oldman, Tom Hardy, Benedict Cumberbatch, John Hurt, Ciarán Hinds, Colin Firth and Mark Strong.

Now THAT’S one heck of a lineup. Most of those names needs no further introduction but maybe you havent heard of Benedict Cumberbatch, if not I suggest you check out the 2010 TV series Sherlock Holmes.

Sign me up for the premiere!

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4 thoughts on “Second UK trailer for Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy

  1. Wow! This looks great! Benedict Cumberbatch is a busy guy since he’s due back in New Zealand to film his scenes for The Hobbit. Oh, and who better to play a British spy than Gary Oldman. :)

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