Opinion: Cowboys and Aliens

Posted by on 13. 08. 2011in Headlines, Reviews

Mixing western and sci-fi is a new and refreshing concept and while some of the acting may be average, the idea works and is great family fun. From the opening sequence until the rolling credits the viewer is taken to unchartered territory. Breathtaking scenes of the southwest comingled with the creepiest best aliens to date make this movie a must see.

Jake Lonergan (Daniel Craig) is found wandering the desert with no memory of who he is. True western fans are treated with a brief appearance by Buck Taylor (Wes Claiborne) of Bonanza and Wagon Train fame. When Lonergan makes it to Absolution, the town largely run by Dolarhyde (Ford) he is not welcome, nor do his actions win him any new friends. Our aliens appear in short order causing chaos and confusion while lassoing townspeople including the Sheriff and the saloon owners wife and carrying them off to parts unknown, for now. Lonergan realizes during the attack that he has very personal knowledge of these unknown beings as his memories start to return. Olivia Wilde, our cross between Miss Kitty and Sigourney Weaver, plays a beautiful yet odd stalker to Lonergan. She knows he can help her stop these creatures from doing any more harm. After the attack ends a posse is formed to rescue the townspeople taken by the aliens.

The quest to reach to the townspeople, the growing chemistry between Longergan and Ella, in addition to Dolarhyde and Nat Colorado gives the viewer several emotional scenes. Sam Rockwell as Doc attempting to learn how to fire a gun as they pursue the aliens shows us yet again that Rockwell can steal any scene he is in regardless of the size of his part, ex: Galaxy Quest.

Another attack on the posse will give most teenage boys and quite a few men one of their favorite two scenes in the movie…Olivia Wilde in a soaking wet Little House on the Prairie Dress. Who knew?

The only complaint I had with the movie was the fact that Harrison Ford played yet another grumpy, grizzled, gruff talking character, like all the other parts he has played, leaving us to wonder if he’s really acting or if that’s just who he is. Poor Callista!

As a whole the movie provides a touch of every movie genre possible…action, adventure, drama, comedy, romance and horror. A definite must see if you are a movie lover.

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who has written 6 posts on The Movie Blog

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37 Responses to “Opinion: Cowboys and Aliens”

  1. AstaretMX says:

    I was thinking the same about Harrison Ford, because he is NOT a great actor at all, in fact he is pretty mediocre and plain, he is what it is just because he IS Han Solo, and later Indy, but he is soooo grumpy and cocky that i can´t stand it anymore, im sure he is exacly like his character in “Morning Glory”.

  2. Ken says:

    I was really disappointed with this film, don’t get me wrong it was decent, but certainly not what it was hyped up to be; you have two huge actors and I thought they were both under-utlilized in this movie.

    The story itself was nothing spectacular at all; without spoiling anything for anyone that hasn’t seen it yet, unless the aliens were using humans for food or slaves, what was the point of exposing themselves and what they were up too???

    Compared to some of the other summer movies, both Cowboys & Aliens and Transformers: Dark of the Moon were lackluster, could have waited to they were released on DVD, I swear they were both written by children with crayons, at least Rise of the Planet of the Apes was intelligently written and paid homage to the 1988 classic Planet of the Apes.

    Maybe the new Conan might be a pleasant surprise???

  3. Ray Flaherty says:

    I think that is unfair to Rodney and crew.

    Besides “Angela” I have no issue with the writing. It just doesn’t have the heart in the writing that it use to. I find myself visiting this website less and less. Seems they have hit rock bottom with this “writer”. It’s been a while since I seen an article removed (and deservedly so in this case) and I hold nothing personal against Angela its just that she isn’t a good movie critic or writer. I wanted to play in the NHL but there is obvious reasons I shouldn’t quit my job and pursue that dream.

  4. Cloud720 says:

    Where is Rodney for that matter?

  5. Cloud720 says:

    I thought something was up. They use to announce these things. And no introductions or even real photos. Who are these people?

  6. Angela says:

    The “review” was changed to opinion for those who prefer some sort of cookie cutter layout of information that can be found in google. My writing is meant to be mildly informative, a little humorous, not taken too seriously and certainly not meant to be the source you go to for all things great and small. Lighten up guys…it all boils down to fluff and stuff.

    • Kevin C says:

      I appreciate the change to an opinion rather than a review, but please dismount thine high steed…this would have been much easier with far less backlash if you were proactive and announced this kind of change ahead of time.

      People dont like change so any time you can throw a “heads up” helps. A paragraph similar to what you wrote here in front of your “Rise of the Planet of the Apes” opine, would have saved you alot of grief.

      I for one like the idea of a straight dismantling of a film, good or bad, but dont act like you had some forward thinking epiphany after the fact. Your review was ill recieved and generally thought of as lazy, you are on the right track by taking down the other review and altering your segment as an “opinion”. I would liek to see a few more of these and I think you could carve out a nice little niche, but it’ll take some work…

      • Erik says:

        Kevin, you will be seeing more from Angela and her now rebranded opinions ;). We will also continue with the old format of reviews - it comes down to the person contributing.

        In addition we have some fun things planned that hopefully you guys will like, nothing earth shattering as that obviously leads to a manifesto of hatred and despair! But then again who knows, we will just have to see.

      • Angela says:

        Thank you for your response Kevin C, I appreciate the comments. As the new “guy” on the block I can’t expect everyone to love me…but what I do know is that when people get to know me…they usually appreciate my humor. I’ve always enjoyed giving my opinion, in fact, my opinion and willingness to share it got me an “A” in college. Hopefully, my “offenses” won’t cause people to hate me for all eternity!

  7. Mat says:

    awesome review :D i thought the movie had a little bit of everything as well and it was a nicely executed combination of two completely separate genres of movies :)

  8. muvebox says:

    The final paragraph of this article is just ridiculous… The fact that so many genres are included in the movie doesn’t mean that it is worth watching. If the genres were more successfully merged the whole feeling of the movie might be better, but unfortunately I think it fails in this…

  9. Marie says:

    Having seen all of the “Ape” movies, I have to agree with Angela. The first movie was very good. All the rest can be watched with some satisfaction by sci-fi fans but will leave 90% of the audience unfulfilled. As a friend of mine used to say: It’s too “cartoony”. Or any other word that defines “might satisfy children”.

    I read the complete review by “Angela” and find it very intelligent and entertaining. I didn’t post a comment, because I don’t usually bother. It’s too easy for people to be critical of the writer when they don’t agree with the content. I recognize that every review or post is the opinion of one person. It’s allowed to be different from my opinion.

    In this case, “Angela’s” opinion coincides with mine, but even if it didn’t, I find her writing to be very enjoyable. She’s obviously smart and eloquent. I hope to see more reviews by her soon.

  10. Angela says:

    Liddy, I can not answer that question, as that is “above my pay grade”. My response was “I” welcome all comments constructive or otherwise. I write, that is it, and some question even that. :D

  11. Bet-C says:

    Thanks for the review. I haven’t seen it yet, so I think I’ll give it a look. I think you may be right about Harrison Ford, although he does a lot of humanitarian work I think.

  12. Jeff says:

    Ive been wondering why this site is so behind on its news. I mean Cowboys and Aliens came out 3 weeks ago, bombed and we get an opinion on it. Movie Blog, wake up and report on movies in a timely manner or you just wont make it. My traffic on this site has really decreased and will continue to do unless there is a change.

    • Marie says:

      There’s a lot of free information on the net. I love to browse these sites and especially when I need specific information. I have never felt the urge to denigrate a free web site for not posting exactly what I want. Where does that come from? It’s free. Use it or not at your own desire. Do try to remember that you get what you pay for…most of the time. On the web, most information is free.

      Personally, I love this site. It’s easy to find the information I want. I bookmarked it and will continue to use this site before I go see a movie. I don’t always agree with the review after I see the movie, but Roger Ebert and Gene Siskel are the Gold Standard for reviews and I disagreed with them a lot, too. Try to remember that a review is one person’s opinion, whether it’s called a “review” or “opinion”.

      • Jeff says:

        Marie, I dont give a rats arse if you like this site or what your views of it are. My point is that when I go to website I do not want 3 week old news. I want up to date information. If this website cannot do that anymore I will go elsewhere. Mind you own business

      • methos84 says:

        I gotta side with Jeff. The Movie Blog has been slow on posting articles and reviews. There are plenty of film sites that frequently update and stay on top of the news while providing insightful commentary. I enjoy The Movie Blog, but honestly I find myself visiting less and less. Now with Rodney and his team gone…I just don’t know.

  13. Andrew says:

    A few things:

    1) i found Cowboys and Aliens to be fairly entertaining. You give Harrison Ford a gun and a fraking cowboy hat.. I’m there. Im a huge SCIFI geek and this movie had just enough for me to enjoy it. But i did enjoy Apes more ;)

    2) To be fair to ‘Angela’ and crew, they are the new kids on the block ( pun totally intended) none of the original writers are still here ( to my knowledge at least). What most loyal and veteran readers of this site know are John’s and Rodney’s writing and style. But those glory days of podcasts, video reviews, etc… are gone. These new folk have to find a new niche of readers to follow them because i honestly don’t think the veteran readers of this blog are going to be as frequent as we have been in the past.

    3) I’ve been coming here ever since John started themovieblog and i hope to continue coming here for a long time! so heres to hoping things start to get better soon!!! ( raises beer into the air)

  14. Axiom says:

    Where is Rodney? :(

  15. THE FOOL ON THE HILL says:

    Ignore the Trolls Angela, you’re good and Brazil loves you very much. Don’t let the mind games get to ya.

  16. Zeph says:

    Aliens seem to be in fad today. I watch documentaries about ancient astronaut theories and read books about it. I think this movie’s going to be very entertaining, can’t wait to go watch it tomorrow with my buddies! :)

  17. Pravin,Manchi(Sangamner,India) says:

    Your observation about Harrison Ford is perfect.I like the movies’Indiana Jones’but not the acting of Harrison Ford .

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  20. Angela says:

    You give “Angela” way too much credit. I didn’t remove the ability to do anything and welcome all comments, constructive or otherwise.

  21. Liddy says:

    Angela, If all comments are welcome, how come my response to Snailssd’s post was removed? I merely commented on how this review, like the review you wrote for Rise of the Planet of the Apes (which has now been removed), was modified after both reviews received criticism from readers. My comment was on topic (in direct response to another reader’s comment), not insulting anyone, and it did not include links.

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