Christian Bale: Life after The Dark Knight

Posted by on 25. 08. 2011in News Chat

With Christian Bale’s stint as the Dark Knight coming to an end, there is much speculation as to what he will do next. Bale has reportedly stated that he will not look to the future until “The Dark Knight Rises” has wrapped. Variety names the following possible projects, and the interwebs is now quickly filling up with everyone’s 2 cents.

Remake of “A Star Is Born,” starring Beyonce Knowles and directed by Clint Eastwood; “Gold,” which Michael Mann will direct; a remake of Korean thriller “Oldboy,” to be directed by Spike Lee for Mandate, in which Bale would play the villain; Relativity’s “Out of the Furnace,” to be directed by Scott Cooper; and “Noah,” Darren Aronofsky’s biblical epic at Paramount. (There had also been talk of Bale joining WB’s “Last Photograph,” but he’s no longer involved.)

“Oldboy” is the film that instantly jumps out at me, being a fan of the original and not at all keen to have it remade. Just read the subtitles. Watching a movie in another language other than English won’t kill you. Regardless of how many times I start ranting about not having this film remade… it is going to happen. Bale as the villain, though, would definitely lessen my constant bitching.

“A Star Is Born” — Clint Eastwood is directing this remake of the classic 1954 original starring Judy Garland, now to star Beyonce Knowles. Can Bale sing?

Michael Mann’s “Gold” - A movie in the spirit of the classic film “The treasure of the Sierra Madres”, but in a modern day setting.

“Out of the Furnace” with “Crazy Heart” director Scott Cooper at the helm. It’s the story of an ex-con recently released from prison, who’s given no choice but to avenge his murdered brother. It’s described as “a gritty throwback to the films of the 1970′s”.

Last but certainly not least: Darren Aronofsky’s “Noah”, a biblical epic. While I’m not a religious man myself , “the good book” does have some interesting stories. Seeing one of them told by Aronofsky? The thought is certainly intriguing.

Out of the above films my 2 cents land on Oldboy with Bale as the villain. Given his portrayal of Patrick Bateman, it seems like a perfect fit. Aronofsky’s “Noah” comes in a close second. Having these two work together could be nothing short of mind blowing.


What do you want to see Christian Bale doing: one of the above? Neither? Or maybe you just don’t want to see him at all?



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15 Responses to “Christian Bale: Life after The Dark Knight”

  1. dan says:

    Bale sang for “Newsies” when he was a kid. I would assume he still can carry a tune.

  2. eddie says:

    The people in this site are getting lazy not posting hardly anything anymore, how come they haven’t release the news n photos of the batwing from the dark knight? Also all the videos and photos if the avengers fighting to appear up be the skrulls.. this site used to be great but this new guys are slacking big time..

  3. Anthony says:

    I’m hoping he can work with Aronofsky on that Noah movie. Something tells me the two of them could deliver something epic.

    I still miss you guys… being locked out of TMB sux :-(

  4. Sterculius says:

    Christian Bale doesn’t need to worry about anything. He’s proven he’s a bankable lead and he’s earned himself an oscar. Scripts will be coming his way for a while.

  5. jay says:

    You should reference Slashfilm for this post since you took it from them.

  6. Jim Collin says:

    Is that the end of the dark knight? I’m still waiting for the next batman movie!

  7. Tarisa says:

    Re: Can Bale sing? You obviously have not seen Newsies. Watch that and then make your decision.

  8. David Lopan says:

    I’m with you 100%, Erik. I think Bale’s next role should be Oldboy as well. I love Lee, I think he’s a great fit for the visual and emotional feel for that story. I love the idea of Brolin playing Oh Dae Su. Bale as Woo-jin Lee seems very fitting. Lee was extremely proper, well groomed, stylish, and looked like he was cut from marble. Bale can carry that perfectly, just like American Psycho. My only concern with this film is their writer. It’s the same guy that did The Cell and Poseidon, which I hated…and then he butchered I Am Legend with the worst hollywood ending I’ve seen in years…and Thor. I didn’t care for any of those project. Maybe those were paycheck gigs and this can show he’s a good writer…maybe.

    • TheSwede says:

      I absolutly agree that Bale would be a perfect fit but that doesn’t really matter. The story won’t translate to a western setting, I can’t explain it but it just won’t.

      IF the story is plausible in the original it’s because it’s set in Korea and you can accept the extreme anonymity(?) that provides the background for the story… but hey! i would love to be wrong.

  9. vargas says:

    I’m sure whatever Bale’s next project will be it will be chosen well. He’s one of the best actors out there today.

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