TMB Product Placement: LoungeV Nature Videos

Posted by Rodneyon 23. 07. 2011in Features, News Chat

Nowadays, we all have home theaters and they are the centerpoint of many of our lives. In the very heart of every home is not the living room with the “rec room” for watching TV, but now the RecRoom is the gathering place that most people gravitate to.

But what if you are not watching movies or hosting a big TV Event? Then the home theater ends up being this quiet monolith on the wall staring everyone down with spite for neglecting its magnificent gift.

Furthermore, the media link from your home computer system is also bitter about your recent social endevours, and it too feels left out knowing it has so much to offer your social gathering.

Well now thanks to LoungeV you can have your TV transformed into a window into a world of nature and serentity!
Nature is the most talented painter, sculptor and poet in the whole universe and as a team of independent traveling artists filming exotic locations, we can only admire its skillful creativity. As photographers we capture those fleeting moments that our planet will change again forever.

We film in 1080i Full HD format with 5.1 Dolby surround sound using the most advanced technology and knowledge of digital image capture. The videos and sounds are recorded right on location, infusing documentary realism to the footage. Minor editing is done in order to let nature’s improvisation speak for itself.

This is some pretty impressive and serene stuff. Calming and gentle background noise that will set the mood in any room. Perfect for a dinner party or just a quiet evening at home after the movie has finished.

You can go check out DownloadHDVideo to download samples that you can play on your impressive home theater to ironically bring a lot of nature into your living room through the magic of technology.

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Rodney who has written 8895 posts on The Movie Blog

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One Response to “TMB Product Placement: LoungeV Nature Videos”

  1. VII says:

    It’s so relaxing.. And there are many more on the official site, really cool idea. I loved watching “Beach lounge” in full HD, it feels like you are on a vacation!!

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