Teaser Trailer Online: Dark Knight Rises

Posted by on 18. 07. 2011in News Chat

The elusive teaser trailer has returned, for good this time, and has been showing before Harry Potter. Take a look at what the movie looks like, so far, in HD.

The Dark Knight Rises - Teaser Trailer #1 [VO|HD]by cinemakervideo
Warner Brother’s legal department has requested the removal of the bootleg so we posted the official.

This is much better, as you can actually see and hear most, if not everything, that is being said in the footage. Bane seems especially terrifying and Batman seems to be having a hard time in would appear to be a battle.

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14 Responses to “Teaser Trailer Online: Dark Knight Rises”

  1. Andrew says:

    And it is gone. Looks like I will just have to wait until Harry Potter opens this weekend in order to see it.

  2. Willy P. says:

    Just saw it, its pretty cool. But like the title says, its a teaser.

  3. Jamie says:

    It was so awesome. Bane looks legit.

  4. vargas says:

    Guess I missed it. Dang!

  5. Darren says:

    Don’t feel so bad, folks. You’ll know you’ll see it by the end of the week/start of next. On top of that, it is my understanding that the bootleg which was yanked off the net was not good quality.

    So what was supposedly there? “An Epic conclusion” with Gordon injured. Shots of Bane. A few snippets of the first movie (Wayne finding Ra’s sanctum)…

  6. Mr. James says:

    I just saw a trailer over the weekend for a new movie “Warrior” that’s coming out with Tom Hardy and he was REALLY beefed up in his role. Looked HUGE in comparison to his Inception size. Guess he’s using his recent size in Batman to secure some other “beefy” roles.

  7. Lowell says:

    WOW!!!! Thank you sooooo much for getting another working video up! It looks AMAZING!!! themovieblog you guys rock!

  8. 420BAND says:

    Looks like people get F#cked up bigtime in this one!

    lookin forward

  9. Geno says:

    So with the buildings crumbling is that the scene when the decepticons attack Earth? Just kidding, oh how I love/ hate this teaser.

  10. vargas says:

    Looks creepy as hell. I love it!

  11. kingl says:

    was that batman and bane about to duke it out at the end?

  12. Crema says:

    What if I said this trailer does nothing for me?

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