Watch all of Green Lantern Here

Posted by Rodneyon 07. 06. 2011in News Chat

I will warn you right now, these clips being offered up are in sequential order and hit on key points in the plot. After watching them I feel I have a pretty good idea of what the entire movie is going to be like.

Look’s pretty good, but I still have my reservations. So I am labelling these sneak peeks as a SPOILER ALERT so that those who do not want to watch the abridged version before it comes out might have some surprises left.

Well it looks like Reynolds is not going to Park the Snark for this. Which is a shame. I think it might be the only thing I don’t like about this. Well maybe that they didn’t learn much from Fantastic Four and made Parallax into a storm cloud with a face.

I did notice however that Blake Lively’s Carol Ferris is using the callsign Sapphire, which of course alludes to Star Sapphire, the supervillain that Ferris eventually becomes as she is possessed by a mystical force by the same name. The Star Sapphire gives Ferris a power ring similar to the Green Lanterns, but violet in colour.

These clips do look like a lot of fun, and the movie may still have its merits but I am on the fence now that I have seen most of it.


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Rodney who has written 8899 posts on The Movie Blog

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10 Responses to “Watch all of Green Lantern Here”

  1. Bobbo says:

    This seems borderline illegal

    • Rodney says:

      Nothing illegal here. These are studio released publicity clips.

      Why they show off this much is beyond me. I think seeing this much of the film detracts from the experience.

  2. Commentator says:

    How does watching less than 10 minutes worth of trailers for a movie equate to watching “All of Green Lantern”?

    • Rodney says:

      If you read the article, I pretty much spell it out for you.

      These are key plot points of the film, and it FEELS like you have watched pretty much the entire film by checking these out in order.

      Sorry if you came here looking to download a pirated copy of it. If that’s why you are upset then I have no sympathies for you.

  3. Michael V Banno says:

    gotta admit. Looks like that’s gonna be one heck of a fight between GL and Paralax.

  4. J says:

    Thanks for the post but I’ll wait for it in the cinema in all it’s 3D glory :)

  5. Harout says:

    Awesome movie, cant wait to see it

  6. 420BAND says:

    All I need to see.

    (still reeks like the brown stuff!)

  7. Geno says:

    It seems like Ryan Reynolds always plays the same character in his films which I thought he was great as Deadpool. And I know people keep telling me that Hal was very egotistic and a hotshot but I never really got a sense of him or his personality. With Batman, yeah he is straight forward, short and blunt. Superman has sense of confidence and more of an open personality, approachable. Hell even Guy Gardner is a loud mouth but with Hal I just could never really get who he is, he seems to lack a personality to me.

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