Warren Beatty wants Dick Tracy 2

Posted by Anthonyon 10. 06. 2011in News Chat

Dick Tracy was a polarizing merchandising phenomena in the early 90′s. There were few places one could travel without being bombarded by children with either a Tim Burton’s Batman t-shirt or an over sized watch that they would often talk to while pretending to catch bad guys. Warren Beatty remembers those times and had stated he wanted to make a sequel. He recently re-iterated these intentions:

Source: Jo Blo

But in the 21 years since that film hit theaters, Beatty has only starred in four films and he’s notoriously sluggish in moving projects forward. But last night at a DICK TRACY screening in Los Angeles, Beatty reiterated that he wants to make a DICK TRACY sequel and the time may be sooner rather than later.

Beatty flatly said, “I’m gonna make another one,” when asked about a sequel adding, “I think I’ll feel better if I make this movie.”

Does he mean soon? It’s been a looooong time since that movie helped propel the “Flat Top” haircut and the children that were fans in the early 90′s may have children of their own at this point. Does the world really need another Dick Tracy movie? probably not but the question that will be asked more often than not is can a Dick Tracy movie be profitable anymore? In a world of Pokemon, Xbox’s, and electric cars the old noir style of Dick Tracy may be a bit outdated for today’s children.

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Anthony who has written 344 posts on The Movie Blog

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11 Responses to “Warren Beatty wants Dick Tracy 2”

  1. Lawrence says:

    Dick Tracy 2? dunno if it’ll work as a feature film release in theaters, given today’s sophisticated audience.. perhaps a direct to DVD feature might be more feasible - profit wise. One more thing, isn’t Beatty too old to play him?

  2. giantguy1321 says:

    I’d go for a sequal on four conditions. Warren casts someone else to play the lead, uses the same style make-up effects/character design, gets Danny Elfman back to score and gives us more action. Oh and one more thing, get rid of that damn kid from the franchise (damn he was annoying)!!!!!

  3. TheCooLGuy says:

    IMO, I don’t think it’s that out dated if you get the right people behind it, I mean look at the success & praise of L.A. Noire or Heavy Rain have gotten in the video game world or better yet look at the advent of Mad Men & how the show made the ’60s & ’70s cool again….so there’s no reason why a Dick Tracy Remake/sequel can’t be made.

    I think it can be done but, is Beatty willing to go through the fire & ice hoops of making it a great & relevant movie for today’s people?
    I can see a Dick Tracy movie made in the same way Sin City, The Spirit, 300, & Watchmen were made…or you could take it in the direction of something gritty & “real” like Batman Begins & The Dark Knight but mixing in the noir style.
    If anything if its made along the lines of say the Marvel movies are made it might come off as cheesy….but then again who knows, Captain America is coming around & that looks like it just maybe their best effort yet.

    Basically it comes down to pulling a good story out of the source materials, making as great, fun & exciting as they did the ’94 movie, & bring in a cast of faces that can make you believe in what’s happening on the screen.

    Now I vote for Jon Hamm for the lead!

    • TheCooLGuy says:

      Scratch that part about ’94, the movie came out in 1990…but I remember seeing it on video in ’94. lol :P

  4. Danny says:

    I’d like to see a new Dick Tracy movie but honestly I don’t want Dick Tracy 2. Beatty is about 15 years too late on that idea, if anything just make a new movie that has little to no relation to the classic (I think trying to make a direct sequel is too much of a reach). With that in mind I think given the success of recent projects in similar settings (namely LA Noir and Heavy Rain) I think a new Dick Tracy is totally doable.

    MAYBE something where Beatty trained a protege (that orphan kid all grown up) and said protege is the lead character. You probably don’t have to worry about the kid who played the role in the old one since he hasn’t acted since the late 90s (I’m thinking Eddie Redmayne instead perhaps). Beatty would only need to appear in flashbacks throughout the movie. And even then I would try to limit linking to the old film or else it would look like a forced attempt at trying to capitalize on the old film’s reputation.

    But about the target audience I agree that it would a hard go targetting this at today’s kids. With stuff like Spy Kids out you’d have kids wondering why Tracy uses a clunky watch to communite instead of a cell phone and why he has a plain car instead of a Batmobile.

  5. Darren says:

    What’s it been, a few months since Warren Beatty wanted a sequel to Dick Tracy?

  6. vargas says:

    I liked the first one but I don’t know that we need another one. And Beatty’s too old.

  7. 420BAND says:

    It’ll have the tall smiling guy from Twighlight and Lady Ga Ga

  8. Scott says:

    Aaron Eckhart and Christina Hendricks. New movie, new cast.

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