‘WarGames’ Gets The Remake Treatment…Big Surprise, Right?

Posted by Darrenon 24. 06. 2011in News Chat

I’m not exactly sure why MGM felt the need to, but apparently they are booting up a remake to WarGames. WarGames, which was a movie ahead of its time yet *at the same time* never lost the audience. It propelled us into a story about a young kid who unknowingly hacks into a AI SuperComputer that does nuclear war simulations which everyone thinks is real. Yes, that was the early 80s, where we are talking infant internet.

Would a modern setting of WarGames work as well? According to Deadline, MGM thinks so:

MGM will reboot the 1983 thriller War Games, and the studio has set Seth Gordon to develop the film to direct. Gordon, who made his breakthrough with the gaming documentary The King of Kong, most recently directed the New Line comedy Horrible Bosses

The abomination a few years ago- the WarGames DTV “sequel” (The Dead Code), is one of the main reasons why I’m not on board with this proposal. That was a shot at a setting in 2008, although the plot was more ‘Eagle Eye’ than WarGames. But wouldn’t that be the way to go? Think about it- back in the 80s, yes, you could catch people unaware with you tech savvy and yet it would be plausible that a young hacker could get in over his head. Today, not so much. Now, it might be interesting if we see things soely from the DoD POV, because the only way for following a young hacker’s exploits (other to impress a girlfriend, as in the original) is to really, REALLY make him shallow, obtuse and stupid.

Even if JOSHUA calls him back. Just not on the old dinosaur modem.
What do you think, Int’l friends? Is the only way to win to NOT play this game?

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Darren who has written 173 posts on The Movie Blog

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8 Responses to “‘WarGames’ Gets The Remake Treatment…Big Surprise, Right?”

  1. Ty says:

    I agree with your assessment concerning the Dead Code sequel - this is one of those films that shouldn’t really be touched because I can’t imagine how creative it would seem in this decade. It’s already been modified and redone, there’s no point in trying to milk it anymore.

    • John says:

      I agree, War Games like all other remakes should be left alone. That being said, this might work considering the recent hacking of the CIA…..

      • Ty says:

        I guess with “cyber terrorists” Anonymous and the whole WikiLeaks deal, a remake could be associated with contemporary society… But I agree with whoever below said that if it should be remade, it should be in 80s style.

        Whatever, we’ll just have to wait and see.

  2. Terry Letourneau says:

    One of my favorite movies growing up. Heck, I even had the Colecovision game.

  3. swampfox says:

    It would be funny if the twist at the end of the new movie is the 80′s style computer doing all the bad stuff and nobody knows how to work it

  4. 420BAND says:

    re-hash it 80′s style.

    Cause with todays tech, It’ll look like minority report.

    who wants that.

    Love this film as I can still remember making out with the girl I went to the movies with after her parent dropped me off.

    My index finger still thanks me to this day! :)

  5. Royal says:

    Ally Sheedy was all kinds of hotness in this movie…

  6. KR says:

    Is this really necessary? The original WarGames movie was a classic, but is hollywood so lacking in the creative department that we have to continue to remake and sequel older movies that are best left to the fate of the past. I think we can all agree that most remakes and twenty year old sequels just aren’t on the same level as the originals. So let’s do the world a favor hollywood, and try coming up with something a little more original.

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