Steven Spielberg fired Megan Fox from Transformers 3

Posted by on 20. 06. 2011in News Chat

Lots have been speculating about the news of Megan Fox being removed from Transformers 3. From my understanding she was already on the set and doing some scenes when it was revealed that she would be removed from the picture and replaced by another, capable, actress. Well, a new detail regarding her removal has finally been reveled by director Michael Bay.

Source: Worst Previews via News

…during the making of “Transformers 3,” Fox refused to put on some weight or tan to play the role of Mikaela. Bay insisted that she looked the way she did in the first two films, but Fox felt that tanning is dangerous and ended up quitting.

Now comes word from Bay that Fox never quit and that it was producer Steven Spielberg who fired her after she compared Bay to Hitler, which is a sensitive topic for the “Schindler’s List” director. “You know the Hitler thing? Steven [Spielberg] said, ‘fire her right now,’” Bay revealed at the “Transformers 3″ premiere.

It’s one thing if someone says to fire someone from the set. I mean, maybe they can get away with not firing a lighting or camera guy. It’s another thing if the order came from the producer and a double-triple whammy if said producer is Steven freaking Spielberg. I think that may be enough grounds for Steven to never want to work with her again. Shame too cus those Transformers films were helping her maintain some appreciable exposure each time her popularity began to wane.

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27 Responses to “Steven Spielberg fired Megan Fox from Transformers 3”

  1. Jordan says:

    Hilarious. I’m sure for her Hitler is someone who asks her to do anything. She’s a spoiled brat with zero acting talent. Go Steven!

  2. eddie says:

    When I was an extra For transformers 2, she waa all stuck up n never wanted to do retakes. I recall her saying that her parts were perfect. Everyone else in the set wascawesone except her… even her stunt double was hotter than her, n very down to earth…Fox, never talk to anyone, she would do het scene n go to the trailer, shia would do his scene n talk to us n chill, just like the rest if the cast…. I’m glad fox ain’t there anymore

  3. Brad says:

    I do actually miss her not being in Transformers 3.

    But I’m definitely glad Spielberg is taking this action.

  4. bernardg says:

    lesson learn here mate “never bites the hands that feed you” especially with a such baseless disparaging remarks, simply she just can’t keep her potty mouth shut when is needed.

  5. Anti-Septic says:

    Come on, not that what she said wasnt insensitive but… What if someone asked you to put on weight? Especially if your her body type that doesnt gain weight easily and maybe she worked her ass off to get lean and toned.

    Saw pictures of her after she was fired and she looked great, dont see where she actually needed to gain weight. Personally I think Speilberg was being a bit of a douchebag. I can understand about being tan, she could always do the spray-on tan thing. But gaining weight, what the hell.

    If someone is riding and riding you to do something you dont wanna do, obviously you are gonna lash out at them, most people would. Its not like she was contractually obligated to be a certain weight.

    • eddie says:

      Being an actor or actress cones with sacrifices, u see it all the time. They got to fain or lose weight for their roles its normal for them

      • Anti-Septic says:

        Yea must be why Jim Carrey turned down the role of Curly in Three Stooges because…. he didnt want to gain weight. Sorry I dont by that

      • Rodney says:

        Jim Carrey DID leave the stooges because of the weight.

        Carrey had to gain 60lbs to play the party of Curly, which he was willing to do despite the health risks involved. However that doesn’t happen overnight, and would stop him from taking other roles leading up to Stooges, so it is an undertaking.

        Then the project kept getting delayed and delayed more and more. Carrey could not commit to gaining that much unhealthy weight and keeping it on wondering when or even IF the movie would even happen.

        It wasn’t worth the inconvenience to his career or health to do that.

        It was absolutely the weight gain that caused him to inevitably back out on the role.

    • Rodney says:

      What? “Her body type that doesnt gain weight easily”???

      Since when? Eat a sammich. That’s 2 lbs right there. If she worked hard to be that slender, its nothing to get back down. At her weight swaying 10 lbs on and off again is nothing.

      Especially with the trainers these guys can afford, she can drop the weight and tighten up again in a month.

      Fox was TOO skinny. He wasn’t asking her to pack on 40lbs, he wanted her ribs to not show. That’s not unreasonable. She was hired for her looks and she didn’t have the look they wanted anymore. That you feel she still looked good is just your opinion, nothing to do with what they wanted for her character and image.

      A tiny bit of skin on this girl would look GREAT. She would actually have some better curves, her boobs would be bigger and she would look healthy.

      Don’t get me wrong. I think Fox is hot (that’s all she is really) but that she disagreed with their requirements does not give her permission to “lash out”. This is her employer asking her to do something reasonable. She had the choice and chose to scream her way out of a job.

      • Anti-Septic says:

        Obviously we disagree, there is a difference between being “too skinny” and being lean with muscle tone. Fox was lean with muscle tone, you could see her abs and she worked very hard on them. There is a difference, a big difference actually.

        As far as her statement about Hitler, no way to defend that. She could have been more diplomatic but she wasnt, as I said if someone is continually pushing you just human nature to lash out. Let those who never said anything they regretted in the heat of the moment cast the first stone.

      • Rodney says:

        Not saying people wont lash out in anger. But its not permission to do so and you STILL have to deal with the consequences of those actions regardless of how they came about.

        This was not just some statement on a whim because she was angry. Fox has had a LONG history of shooting off her mouth and being overly disagreeable. She’s had plenty of warnings.

        And showing nice abs is fine, but if I can count your ribs, its not healthy.

      • Anti-Septic says:

        Agree with your statement regarding consequences, the comment about seeing her ribs no I dont. Just as an example, the late great Bruce Lee was known to never have above 6% body fat at any time. He was lean and muscular and you could easily see his ribs. So you are saying because you can see Megans ribs she was unhealthy? That is/was simply not the case. She wasnt Speilberg’s ideal body type for the movie but she was in great shape at the time.

        That is the difference of being lean and muscular to someone just being skinny.

        Just sayin is all.

      • Sidney says:

        I doubt it was the ‘Hitler’ comment that broke the straw. Bay is used to being called worse names, and I gather he likes the tough-guy reputation.

        My guess is that she was costing the production too much money by being a prima donna (i.e. not showing up on time, fighting, ignoring direction, wasting film, ruining shots). The ‘Berg is, but all accounts, one of the nicest guys in the business, but he’s also very fickle with his money. He’s prepared to ditch anyone that doesn’t produce results.

        Too bad for Fox. Pissing off Spielberg is going to make her something of a pariah in Hollywood. Its his town.

      • mark marshall says:

        Always taking up for your fellow Canadians huh Rodney? Just like when you vouched for Matthew Perry in “17 again”..Well at least I know you’ll like ‘Green Lantern’ and “The Change-Up”.

      • Rodney says:

        I don’t know what being canadian has to do with it.

        It’s the simple reality of the situation. Nothing to do with where they were born

    • Darren says:

      If this story is legit, then Fox getting canned had nothing to do with any tan or refining her eating habits. It had to do with her Diva ways and being unprofessional…could be her cardboard acting too, but it just could be a combination of all and it was time to wave goodbye.

      Good riddance to her and her cannibis.

  6. ulfsark says:

    Its not uncommon for actors to gain or loose weight for roles. Sly Stallone did it for Cop land, Christian bale starved himself for The Machinist. I suppose that’s what separates the people who actually care about the art, and those who only care about the pay check.

    • bernard says:

      Couldn’t agree more with you, commitment & dedication, that what separate true actors with tabloid celebs.

  7. Pman-67 says:

    If you plan to be dificult to work with you’d better be a great at your craft. That doesn’t just go for acting, it’s goes for just about every line of work. Fox is beautiful, but not great at her craft. She’s great at looking great and theat’s about it. Eventually producers and directors are going to find someone else that great at looking great, but less dificult to deal with. She needs to learn this moving forward.

  8. rodrick says:

    I don’t really believe anything that bay says. He’s an ass . Hell he couldn’t see why Transformers 2 got a razzy. He actually believes it was a good movie. I will wait to see the 3rd one.

  9. 420BAND says:

    I think she’s about done.

    comment or not, she needed this exposure and her stars falling……quick.

    that and Hitler comment’s in Hollywood in general is pretty much a no-no

    • Rodney says:

      Pretty sure in ANY social situation, a Hitler comparison is considered out of line.

      People throw it around as the ultimate trump card insult as you cannot make a comparison with as much weight to it as Hitler, but its been overused that way so often its lost its effectiveness. If you go there, you lose credibility.

      Its called Godwin’s Law. If you hadn’t heard of it, check it out. Makes a lot of sense.

  10. April says:

    Suprisingly… I’m not suprised by this. Megan Fox always seemed to be the time of girl who would be pulling a ‘Lindsey Lohan’ all the time by being late, starting fights or all around just being a bitchy prima dona. I can sort of understand her stubborness about the tanning thing, but just go get a spray tan or whatever, I’m sure they’d understand.

    But the weight gain thing? This is HOLLYWOOD sweetheart, and sacrifices for your characters need to be made. Sometimes its loosing weight, sometimes its gaining it. S’not like she couldnt just hire a personal trainer to loose the weight again afterwards, shes obviously got the cash.

    And I agree with everyone about the Hitler remark. That was just extremely uncalled for and offensive -and to Steven Spielberg nonetheless!-. No matter how pissed off, its just awful to thing you can go around lashing out by tossing around insults like “Nazi” and “Hitler”, etc, etc.

    Personally, I think that Transformers 3 will be better off without her.

  11. April says:

    P.S: Please forgive my spelling errors in my previous comment, as it is almost 3 AM here, lol, but I just had to post on this link. I actually just got done reviewing over the other two Transformers movies and felt the need to throw in my own 2 cents on the subject.

    I really do hope Megan cleans up her act before shit really starts hitting the fan, because even though she isn’t the best actress, she’s still got apparent talent and it would be a shame to see her shunned all over Hollywood because she cant keep her attitude in check.

  12. Amber says:

    I think there’s more to the story then whats been said…
    I’m going to see the movie tomorrow, and I’m really itching to see how the new girl goes..

  13. jean says:

    the new girl is way too beautiful for her part. megan’s character had more chemistry to sam’s than that of the new girl.

    but if megan was pulling weight around, then it’s not that hard to replace her. though the new girl’s character didn’t have the impact as that of megan’s, the movie still was great.

    no big lost really for the movie, but great lost i think for megan.

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