Ryan Reynolds talks Deadpool

Posted by Anthonyon 10. 06. 2011in News Chat

I can’t believe it myself, but it seems that this guy is still committed to bring the merc with a mouth to the silver screen. I mean, I really thought this Green Lantern stuff would have curtailed any future dealings with Marvel as DC’s movie cast Reynolds in the role shortly after he committed to Deadpool but Green Lantern actually managed to move into production while Deadpool is moving at bit slower. Check out what he has to say:

Tags: Movie Trailers, Movies Blog

Via: Latino Review

I like his optimism but the guy is an actor. He’s trained to fool me into believing his performance. I would be a bit more confident in this movie if there were more details at this point, but I have to say that I have serious reservations that we’ll get the Deadpool movie that I’ve WE’VE been clamoring for, or that he won’t drop out of this movie altogether due to his not so secret super busy long line of movies that has his name attached to star. I’m happy for his success but some of us are getting a bit anxious already! </endrant>

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Anthony who has written 344 posts on The Movie Blog

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4 Responses to “Ryan Reynolds talks Deadpool”

  1. 420BAND says:

    Promises, Promises, I got a feeling he’ll get dropped for this (not coming out anyways) film after the reviews come back for green lantern.

    just a hunch.

  2. bjon86 says:

    woah! where’s that picture from?? Oh is that just GI Joe’s Snake Eyes turned into Deadpool?

  3. Travis says:

    they should really just get someone else todo the movie and move forward or just drop the movie altogether

    • Darren says:

      Why should they? It appears they have the agenda:

      - lead actor

      - a director

      - a script

      - a general idea on budget (modest)

      - Few (if any) X-Men ties.
      I say “few” because right now, X-Men is the name brand; Deadpool isn’t, Also “average” filmgoers might tend to think there is a XO Wolverine connection anyway. I expect some satire/commentary by Wilson’s 4th wall on the matter anyway.

      So, in a nutshell-they know what they want to do and they know where to go. I think as long as the budget remains modest, it’s a go.

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