RUMOR: Bale beat up for Batman 3

Posted by Anthonyon 10. 06. 2011in News Chat

There’s a photo floating around of Christian Bale. He looks like he got his ass handed to him sideways by someone that apparently could handle himself better than Bale. It’s possible that this photo is from TDKR as a makeup test or something, and it’s entirely possible that this is for a completely unrelated movie. I can’t tell. So, I decided to ask the experts!

Via: Geek Tyrant

International friends: Look at this photo. Look at his eyes. Is this the face of a man that met a man on super-steroids in a dark alley, or is this something else altogether?

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Anthony who has written 344 posts on The Movie Blog

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13 Responses to “RUMOR: Bale beat up for Batman 3”

  1. Jamie says:

    Batman doesnt have a goatee. If by chance it is from batman its would probably a result of a fight with bane (to show just how strong he is).

    • Anthony says:

      well, he usually lets it grow out in between movies.

      • Roderick says:

        or maybe bruce wayne has facial hair in this movie for a little while anyways. his eyes aren’t red and he’s in a bathrobe… so who knows.

    • bernardg says:

      occasionally he lets 5 o’clock shadow in comic, when he is hard at solving a case. Like one scene in Batman: Hush, when he found out by nightwing for staying up for days cracking the Hush mystery.

  2. Roman says:

    In the time when he was being a part of the criminal underworld in BMB he had this same facial hair. My guess if it is for TDKR it is a flash back scene showing his time leading up to the leauge of shadows.

    There were scenes in India right well those curtains look Indian to me.

  3. vargas says:

    Or maybe Bale just got his ass whupped for poppin’ off on the wrong person.

  4. Kevin C says:

    I remember seeing this photo a while back and it was being described as a make-up test. That might explain the facial hair…or its a flashback…

  5. Sam says:

    Bane does have the ability to beat Wayne up pretty badly.

  6. 420BAND says:

    Hey, maybee his temper got the best of him…..again.

    Bane or not

  7. Christian says:

    That make-up test is from when Bale did Rescue Dawn.

  8. Craig says:

    Isn’t that a make-up test from Rescue Dawn??? I remember seeing that ages ago.

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