RUMOR: Aronofsky wants Bale for Noah

Posted by on 14. 06. 2011in News Chat

Darren Aronofsky has been busy trying to drum up Hollywood interest in his pitch for a movie about Noah for years now, and he thinks he may have finally figured out how to finally accomplish his mission. Get Christian Bale.

Source: Jo Blo

Darren Aronofsky hasn’t had the easiest time selling studios on his ambitious epic based on the biblical story of Noah and his ark. Even though he’s got production company New Regency on board for half the budget (currently estimated at about $130 million), finding a distributor to back the project hasn’t been easy. Enter: Christian Bale.

In an effort to add some star power to his film, Aronofsky is in talks with Bale to star as Noah in his film.

This Christian Bale guy is a hot commodity considering he won an Academy Award recently and is reprising his record breaking role as Batman. Sounds good, now let’s see if how Hollywood responds to this new prospect of a Christian Bale AS Noah pitch. Personally, I’m liking this more and more already. Just think about it: A man is stuck on a boat with no land in sight for a year. Your boat is full of every animal imaginable. Elephants, Tigers, Bears, Birds, you name it and it’s there. You eat, sleep, and live on this boat with your family and consider the smelly dilemma of that there’s only 1 window.

Now imagine Noah is Christian Bale. Epic.

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6 Responses to “RUMOR: Aronofsky wants Bale for Noah”

  1. Dave L. says:

    He should adapt Timothy Findley’s “Not Wanted on the Voyage” that’d be an awesome Noah movie.

  2. Jeremy Snead says:

    Noah wasn’t on the ark for a year, it was 40 days and nights. ;-)

  3. Sidney says:

    Yet another Aronofsky project that won’t make it to the screen.

    A big-budget Noah movie would play well in the Bible-belt if it were safe, non-controversial and family-friendly. I don’t believe Aronofsky wants, or is even capable of making, that film.

    I’d venture a guess that Aronofsky wants to make a brooding, esoteric film that’s probably more Kabbalah than Christ. Nobody is going to invest in that.

    Aronofsky is still an untested quantity in the world of big-budget film-making. He should do a proper science fiction or fantasy adaptation, or even a proper [non-gimmicky] drama first, and then try his hand at more left-field material.

  4. ulfsark says:

    I would think this to be a no brainer. Everyone flocks to see movies based on Christian mythology, pun intended.

    • bernard says:

      Actually this not solely Christian Mythology, but also Judaism & Islamism mythology, all the religions originated from Abraham descendants share the same history…. just sayin

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