Pixar reserves November 27th, 2013

Posted by on 20. 06. 2011in News Chat

Pixar will release a movie in 2013. Yeah, I know that we already knew of a release for Monsters University for that year, but that’s a Summer movie. No, this movie that’s being announced for the referenced date will not be a sequel, prequel, or extension of an existing property.

Source: Collider

Disney announced today that they’ve set a release date for a new untitled Pixar film on November 27th, 2013. No other information about the project is given, beyond the fact that it will be an original film and not a sequel.

Instant Radar Status: Confirmed.

That’s it. That’s all they have to do. I am an unapologetic Pixar fanboy through and through. Now, the interesting thing to me is that they are actually intending to release 2 films in the same year! This is a bit unprecedented for the famed studio. They’ve done pretty well with tightening the time in between releases from ever 2-3 yrs to an annual event. Is that too much of a good thing in one year? Possibly. Either way I welcome the idea and encourage them to meet this release date as I’m sure they’ve already tried everything humanly possible to receive further “Best Picture” acknowledgement and, aside from bribes or threats, it’s the best logical thing to try at this point by releasing 2, sure to be, Oscar contenders in the same year.

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7 Responses to “Pixar reserves November 27th, 2013”

  1. bernardg says:

    from a fellow Pixar fanboy to another :)
    well, as they’re currently boasting over 1200 in-house talents under their studio, i think those 2 flicks a year is achievable, no easy task but not impossible. Also, it’s bloody time for them to get that pesky “Best Picture”! C’mon AMPAS!

  2. cloud720 says:

    Why does it have to be sure to be Oscar contenders? Do you think Cars 2 will be a oscar contender as well?

    • Anthony says:

      YES. and I’m willing to bet that they’ll also get nominated in the “Best animated feature” category too.

      • cloud720 says:

        Hey i like Pixar too but IMO the first Cars was thier worst movie. I hae no interest in seeing the second one. But no i wouldnt be surprised it it gets nominated for best animated film

  3. Josh says:

    wouldn’t this be Brave? or is that coming in 2014?

  4. 420BAND says:

    How bout an Incredibles sequel? I would think that’s preffered a bit over Monters Inc.

    C’mon! C’mon! the ending set-up was perfect with the mole men lookalikes and all..

    Who’s wit me?

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