Osment Returns To Acting…And Sees Dead People In Franky-Stein Pic

Posted by Darrenon 28. 06. 2011in News Chat

Haley Joel Osment (Sixth Sense, A.I.) is done for the moment in regards to his college studies and returns to acting for a lead in ‘Wake The Dead’, which is one of the thousand Frankenstein related pictures out there in Hollywood-land.

Variety reports:

With the half-dozen or so Frankenstein-themed projects percolating in Hollywood, it looks like “Wake the Dead” is getting up off the gurney first, with Haley Joel Osment set to star in the retelling that’s set in the present day.
Jay Russell will helm the horror pic based on the graphic novels by Steven Niles, with Osment playing the role of Victor Franklin, a college student experimenting with reversing death.

This one is under the horror banner of Slasher Films, which was formed by Saul Hudson (a.k.a. Slash of G&R fame) last year. It is, however, the first of the thousand Frankenstein pictures to start casting. Does it raise my hopes up? No. Could it kill Osment’s career? Hopefully not.

What do you think of Osment waking the dead and not just seeing them?

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Darren who has written 173 posts on The Movie Blog

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One Response to “Osment Returns To Acting…And Sees Dead People In Franky-Stein Pic”

  1. Dan says:

    Haley Joel Osment has aged funny, he kinda looks like a young version of Moose from Archie comics. I really liked the kid in Sixth sense and Pay It Forward it’s too bad he’s decided to comeback with this film in mind, I would of expected a more dramatic film to be entered in the indie circuit.

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