New Muppets Teaser is a Green Lantern Spoof

Posted by on 17. 06. 2011in News Chat

Looks like the Muppets are taking another shot at a trailer, this time spoofing this weekend’s Green Lantern release.

Check it out:

“Not in Swedish, We promise”

I am just LOVING the sense of humour they are proving with these Muppet teasers. So fitting for the tongue in cheek gags that the Muppet movies have always been about.

Looking forward to this more and more.


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5 Responses to “New Muppets Teaser is a Green Lantern Spoof”

  1. bernard says:

    all this long.. i just know that wacky cook was from sweden :)

  2. Kaneda979 says:

    So awesome and so damn funny.

    If movie turns out being this funny threw out, it will be so freakin’ epic on so many levels.

    Can’t wait to find out. Thanksgiving is so far away.

  3. jimf says:

    Great work!

  4. 420BAND says:

    That looked better than the real GL trailer! LOL!

  5. Geno says:

    Aw I can’t wait, I love the Muppets films. A Muppet Christmas Carol came out when I was growing up and loved Gonzo and Rizzo as the narrators.

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