MSN FilmFan Talks Cars 2 and Bad Teacher

Posted by Rodneyon 22. 06. 2011in Headlines, News Chat, Uncut Podcast

It’s been a while since we have had a video blog here at TMB and a little inspiration has been sent my way to share and give me an opportunity to guage interest in a return to the Uncut Video Blogs.

MSN FilmFan will have weekly updates for us each Wednesday and this will go on for the first half of the Summer Season, and I will see if you want me to take over these weekly features for the rest of the summer and beyond.

This week filmfan supergeek Sami Jarroush has trailers for Cars 2 and Bad Teacher and talks about which he would rather go see:

<br/>Video: FilmFan:’Cars 2&#8242; and &#8216;Bad Teacher’

As for me, I can’t wait to see Cars 2. Sami has few good things to say about Cars 2, but he isn’t wrong about the lack of emotional depth the first film is lacking, but I have hope that they will be doing better with that in the sequel. Lasseter says the film is visually more complex than anything they have done so far, so at very least it will be pretty. Everything Pixar does amuses me, so I can’t see a downside here. I am going to see this with high hopes!

Then Sami shared the trailer for Bad Teacher which has me hot for teacher. Cameron Diaz is amazing anyways, and I like that she is returning to raunchy comedy. She’s pretty good at it. Won’t be taking the kids to see this one! Her character is hardcore superficial and seriously high maintenance, I can only hope that at some point she breaks down and shows some vulnerability. Its in the formula here. Still, looks pretty damned funny. Lots of scenes of her being inappropriate and shallow would work for Diaz.

So what do you think about the FilmFan segment. Would you like to see more of it here? More of me doing similar bits? (Come on, I know you want to see this handsome mug again)

Let me know in the comments, and let me know how you feel about MSN FilmFan Sami Jarroush’s picks for this weekend?

*This is a sponsored content article that is a part of the MSN FilmFan blogger program.

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Rodney who has written 8870 posts on The Movie Blog

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3 Responses to “MSN FilmFan Talks Cars 2 and Bad Teacher”

  1. Darren says:

    Well, I have to see Cars 2…but even when Pixar is thought to be at thier worst- even that is *still* good. They have never done a stinker. I don’t think they ever will. I’ll skip Bad Teacher though. (and I think most will) It looks like a bunch of lame jokes spewed together. Teacher smoking pot in the car. Ha Ha Ha. Teacher gives sexy car wash. Ho. Ho. Ho. Teach wants a boob job.

    I fear the worst.

    And yes, Rodney, I’d much rather see TMB go back to some kind of uncut podcast format even if it is as short as the above MSN fella (which, by the way, does not impress me one bit- he sounds more like a Showbiz Tonight refugee) or just an audio edition.

    Those things were missed.

  2. sophia says:

    im crazzy over this one particular movie and cant find it the midnight meat train!!! plllllz i wana watch

    • Darren says:

      Midnight Meat Train was released a few years ago. It’s been on DVD/ Blu Ray for some time.

      And yes, it is a well done horror film.

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