Extended Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 Trailer Online

An extended trailer for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 is online and I won’t be able to do it justice building the hype so just watch it:

This looks downright epic. From what started out as a mostly juvenille tale of a boy who learns magic, after 7 books adapted to 8 films, this got real.

The fans grew up with the characters, and as JK Rowling’s writing matured, so did her characters and the story she built around them.

Harry Potter is going out with a bang and this looks like a very fitting end to the franchise.

I can’t wait.

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4 thoughts on “Extended Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 Trailer Online

  1. Apparently PHP Books hasn’t actually read Harry Potter :p otherwise you wouldn’t be telling people about Harry dying….

    I like the fact that the trailers don’t give too much away to people who haven’t read the books, that’s nice…for them.

    This movie better be amazing. 7.1 was a bit disappointing, and I’m not talking about the lack of action. From the looks of it 7.2 will blow us all away. It certainly surpasses my imagination. I hate those midnight screenings though…I’ll have to wait till July 13, ’cause I can’t go to the July 11 and July 12 midnight screenings, some people actually have to WORK during the day….pff

    1. I love midnight screenings. All the excited fans crammed into the packed theatre, the cheering that erupts when the movie starts. This is going to be so epic that I had to take a day off work to go.

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