Excuses! Excuses! Give Us ‘Pitch Black 3′ or Let It Go

Posted by Darrenon 02. 06. 2011in News Chat

I know some folks out there aren’t the biggest fans of Vin Diesel. I know some folks out there were disappointed with the second (live action) film in the Pitch Black series. I know we been hearing how a third film with star Diesel and writer-director David Twohy has been in the works since the invention of the wheel. That’s what it seems like, anyway. Not that you’re holding your breath or anything- but the good folks at IGN is giving us the update on Pitch Black 3:

Twohy posted the following on his official site:

“The finish line (actually a starting line) seems closer than ever. Of course, there are no guarantees in this mad endeavor called ‘filmmaking,’ a pursuit that is a pricey shotgun marriage between business and art. But we’ve reached a critical mass of enthusiasm and resource needed to launch a movie. If we go now, we can make it now. If we don’t, we may never. And trust me, we’re all keenly aware of that.”

I loved Pitch Black. For all the shortcomings, I warmed up to Chronicles Of Riddick, save for some hokey FX and campy acting from otherwise decent actors, but you can’t beat the ‘kill you with the teacup’ line. But nobody at Universal or thier subsidary arms seem to be knocking down anyone’s doors for a third film. I’m still pulling for Diesel and Twohy. Really I am…but maybe it should be another film unrelated to Riddick-verse. It’s not that I want to…I am a fan of both for the most part…but I have be a bit on a skeptic side here.

Wouldn’t you be?

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Darren who has written 149 posts on The Movie Blog

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7 Responses to “Excuses! Excuses! Give Us ‘Pitch Black 3′ or Let It Go”

  1. JungHo says:

    I’m really looking forward to this, honestly. In this day and age of endless adaptations and remakes and reboots and reboots of adaptations in film - this sequel set in a universe originally established in a movie feels very, very refreshing. And maybe that’s sad, but it’s high time we saw some new storylines in science-fiction cinema

  2. Castle91 says:

    I loved the first film for everything it was. The second film went in a direction I didn’t care for at all. Hopefully the third movie will be better.

  3. bernard says:

    Bring back the R-rated Riddick that we all know & love to loathe (in good way). Let’s do it independent way on financing, like taking the cue from Kick-Ass (they’re independently financed, cuz you know, the morally correctness big studios in America definitely aren’t ready for foul mouth, gun totting, butterfly knife wielding 11 yrs old girl).

  4. Paul says:

    I so want a 3rd film & the second film is way way better than the first, lets hope the 3rd if ever made followes on from film 2.

  5. Shadess says:

    Loved the 2nd film. MORE PLEASE!

  6. 420BAND says:

    At this point just let it go.
    Pitch black almost lost me 10 minutes in (camera play seemed like a film student version of battleship earth!) then it settled down and rocked pretty hard.
    Part 2 was super ambitious but felt hollow to me.

    this is not on my radar at all

  7. Anti-Septic says:

    I love the Riddick character so I am in for a third installment. Bring it on!

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