The Movie Blog goes to Cannes!

Posted by Rodneyon 18. 05. 2011in Headlines, News Chat

Today is a fortuitous day. While the Festival de Cannes has been running all week I have the opportunity - nay the Honour of catching the last few days of the festival thanks to the overwhelming generosity of the Festival sponsors at Stella Artois.

I am departing my unseasonable chilly and unreasonably rainy home in Canada today to depart for the sunny Southern Shores of France for what is undeniably the most notable and impacting Film Festival out there.

I will be reporting on just about anything my eyes fall on, and will be posting what I can, when I can here.

I will try to post a video blog of some of my experiences as I go as well.

They told me I had to bunk with Johnny Depp, but I insisted on my own room. His wife has a thing for me. Its awkward.

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Rodney who has written 8818 posts on The Movie Blog

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2 Responses to “The Movie Blog goes to Cannes!”

  1. Jordan says:


    Sounds like a blast. Looking forward to updates.

  2. 420BAND says:

    Stella Artois! Gotta love that.

    Have fun bro

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