Stan Lee will NOT be in X-Men: First Class

Posted by Anthonyon 13. 05. 2011in News Chat

This is a bit of a surprise. The Great Stan Lee has announced that he is not going to appear on film in the upcoming X-Men First Class.

Source: Worst Previews

“Incredible as it may seemeth, NO CAMEO doth appear of thy beloved Generalissimo in ‘X-Men 1st Class!’ I pause whilst thy shock sinketh in,” he wrote on his Twitter account.

What Gives? How did this happen? I don’t know what to say. You’d think there would be some type of contractual obligation in place to ensure his appearance in any film with characters that he’s had a hand in creating. Wow. I think I’m going to take his advice and let mine shock sinketh in.

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16 Responses to “Stan Lee will NOT be in X-Men: First Class”

  1. cloud720 says:

    Where was he in Thor?

  2. Darren says:

    Stan Lee didn’t cameo in X2. That’s not saying I don’t like it when The Man does not cameo, but he’s not in every Marvel related film. (But he better show up in The Avengers!)

  3. Schulzy says:

    The way I understood it, is he does his cameo in each film related to Marvel Studios - The Iron Man movies, the latest Hulk, Thor, and Captain America. Correct me if I’m wrong, but First Class isn’t Marvel studios, is it?

  4. thebaap says:

    Schulzy is correct. He has not had a cameo in any of the movies that are not Marvel Studios (although he did have a Hulk cameo, IIRC, with the TV Hulk and him as security guards). Nevermind, he was also in the spider-man ones. So maybe just the ones that are produced by FOX?

    • Rodney says:

      Stan has appeared in nearly every movie based on a Marvel character regardless of studio. There are far fewer films without him than with.

      X-Films are Fox, Spidey was Sony etc.

  5. Joe C says:

    to thebaap: he does do cameos in a lot of movie he was in xmen 1 were he is on the beach, i don’t remeber xmen 2 bun in xmen 3 he is in the flash back were he is watering th grass, he is also in fantastic four, he is the mail man and he is in dare devil, he is the guy who would have been hit by the car if young dare devil did not stop him.

  6. Joe says:

    Maybe it’s because it strays so far from the source material, at least looking at the character list.

    • Rodney says:

      His absence has NOTHING to do with the content. The X-Men films have ALWAYS strayed from the source material. This film is no different. It simply fits in with the other films.

      Sometimes scheduling and script doesn’t allow for it, and while a neat addition for him to cameo in Marvel films (by any studio), it is not required nor does it have anything to do with his approval. If they can fit him in, they do it.

  7. Royal says:

    I’m relieved that he’s not in XMFC. I want XMFC to be grittier, darker, full of gravitas, and generally take itself more seriously than earlier X-Men adaptations. Seeing him cameo, even if it were a serious bit, would probably pull me out of the moment: “That’s Stan Lee. Oh, right. I’m watching a movie.”

  8. 420BAND says:

    Yeah, I didn’t see him in any of the X sequels, Thor was a fun one.

    FF2 at the wedding he say’s (Stan):”My name is Stan Lee I gotta be on that list” (security) “Nice try pal”
    Great one.

    also in Spidey 3 the talk with Peter and the “Nuff Said” was a great touch.

    I hope even when he passes on (God forbid any time soon) they CGI him in there as well!

    Love the guy!

  9. Bill says:

    I think until this one, the only ones he had not been in were the Punisher films and the Blade Films and the made for TV Generation X and Nick Fury

  10. Chris says:

    If I was Stan I would ask for a moments appearance in these films too. How cool would that be!!

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