Review: Thor

Thanks for checking out our THOR review.

Genre: Superhero Action
Directed by: Kenneth Branagh
Staring: Chris Hemsworth, Anthony Hopkins, Tom Hiddleston and Natalie Portman
Released: May 6th, 2011


At the center of the story is the mighty Thor (Chris Hemsworth), a powerful but arrogant warrior whose reckless actions reignite an ancient war. Thor is cast down to Earth by his father Odin (Anthony Hopkins) and is forced to live among humans. A beautiful, young scientist, Jane Foster (Natalie Portman), has a profound effect on Thor, as she ultimately becomes his first love. It’s while here on Earth that Thor learns what it takes to be a true hero when the most dangerous villain of his world sends the darkest forces of Asgard to invade Earth


This is one FUN movie.

The tie ins are very subtle. They don’t shove them down your throat, but if you know some background they are all pretty obvious at the same time. This felt very smooth as if they learned something from Iron Man 2, where the movie felt more like it was a prologue to The Avengers instead of an Iron Man movie. This does MORE tie ins, and keeps it smooth.

Hemsworth IS Thor. This guy just owns the role and there is no question that they made the right choice. And Tom Hiddleston’s Loki is deliciously mischievious without being the least bit exaggerated or silly. In fact all of the cast is very fitting. Kat Dennings is the comic relief and very carefully steals moments in the movie. Stan Lee makes his Cameo as usual, and its very brief.

Balance is probably the best way I can describe how well this film works. There is a LOT to try and cram into this movie and they do it all without overwhelming the viewer. They tie it into the other movies - Hawkeye/Clint Barton cameo, Banner is half mentioned, Stark is mentioned. And they are also carefyl to point out how Thor is different from the Comics (How they bring up Donald Blake is awesome) right down to just fitting the PLOT in there too! There is a lot of history that is played out well, the plot plays out well and the setting of Earth and Asgard is played out well too.

Just awesome.

And the action is GREAT. The scene where Thor lets loose alongside the Warriors Three is incredible. Fanrall (Joshua Dallas) is my favourite, and Sif is just beautiful and still an effective warrior in her own right.

And of course, every action hero needs a love interest. But for once they play it right. Its there, don’t get me wrong. But its so secondary to what’s going on that


There is a tiny bit with Agent Coulson and Thor that bugs me. In their previous meeting Coulson is grilling Thor about where he got his training etc (which we saw in the trailers) and the next time they meet Thor says “I am your ally” and Coulson just takes that at face value and drops it. Seemed too quick 180 to me.

One thing that is bad is the really dark establishing scenes at the very beginning of the movie. They are a little “too” dark. Visually, not in content. I attended the 3D version, and that really is going to hit those 3D hating “its darker” people hard. I even had to admit there were parts in that part of the film that 3D served no purpose.

And on that, the 3D really didn’t make or break this movie. It was just another tool to make things look extra cool, but I think the breathtaking visuals would work just fine without it too.


A LOT of fun at the theater and I loved the crap out of this movie. If you are a fan of superhero films, I won’t recommend you go see this… I command you to!

Oh, and stay after the credits. As usual with Marvel films.

I give Thor a 9 out of 10

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  • suvro

    I loved the movie.Natalie Portman looks great.Chris Hemworth is a perfect Thor.The story is great though being a superhero movie Thor is shown as a normal human being in almost 60% of the movie.Tom Hiddleston as Loki steals the show and the biggest asset of the movie.

  • Jim

    I liked the movie, but hated the costume design.
    I’d have put some dents, some scratches, some CHARACTER in his armor, and made it look like there was a really STORY behind his many years of existence. He looks like he just walked out of the makeup with a brand new costume. Reminds me of George Lucas’ approach to costume, as opposed to say Peter Jackson. Thor needed to be somewhere in the middle.

  • Royal

    Saw it a second time last night, this time in regular 3D; first viewing was in 2D. I loved the movied even more the second time around, but I think that’s only because I was able to pick up on some of the movie’s subtleties better the second time around. Rodney hit the nail on the head when he used the word “balanced” to describe the pacing and arrangement of humor and action throughout this film. I hope the studios give Brannagh a shot at directing the sequel, because he and the team he assembled did a masterful job.

  • God of Thunder

    The movie was not bad but it was not great either. For a supposedly all powerful God-like Hero, Thor doesn’t feel nor look that powerful in the movie.

    • Christopher

      Isn’t that true of all Marvel super heroes? I thought DC heroes were the larger and life characters, and Marvel superheroes were still big (hulk) and tough, but just not out right that powerful.

  • Chit_LaMarde

    I loved the movie so much that I plan on going to see it again sometime this week.

    its definatly one of the much better marvel films and cant wait to see him in the avengers and thor 2.

    and it was funny to see the punisher in the film as one of thors asgardian warriors.

  • nataliya

    Thanks for the nice movie review! I liked that presented both good and bad sides of your experience. I was planning to watch the movie in IMAX 3D, but now thinking maybe regular 2D will suffice.

  • Matt

    Thanks to your comments I will see this movie tonight! 3d or not??

  • Collin Gilbert

    Thor was amazing. I’m annoyed with people who are listing it as just a good movie. It is one of the better comic book movies ever made. Especially when we’re talking about the X-men series and Spidermans.

    Anyone on the fence about going: Just go and see it!