Review: Fast Five

Posted by Rodneyon 01. 05. 2011in News Chat, Reviews

Thanks for checking out our Fast Five Review

Genre: Action
Directed by: Justin Lin
Staring: Vin Diesel, Paul Walker and Dwayne Johnson
Released: April 29,2011


Since Brian and Mia Toretto (Brewster) broke Dom out of custody, they’ve blown across many borders to elude authorities. Now backed into a corner in Rio de Janeiro, they must pull one last job in order to gain their freedom. As they assemble their elite team of top racers, the unlikely allies know their only shot of getting out for good means confronting the corrupt businessman who wants them dead. But he’s not the only one on their tail.

Hard-nosed federal agent Luke Hobbs (Johnson) never misses his target. When he is assigned to track down Dom and Brian, he and his strike team launch an all-out assault to capture them. But as his men tear through Brazil, Hobbs learns he can’t separate the good guys from the bad. Now, he must rely on his instincts to corner his prey…before someone else runs them down first.


Dwayne Johnson owns in this movie. There is something I didn’t like about his character, but at the end of the day that spoilerific detail isn’t his fault. This is the role Johnson was meant to play. A character of authority who deserves every inch of presence he brings to the screen. Please no more Tooth Fairy movies. THIS is the Johnson I want to see.

And on that note, this is also the Vin Diesel I want to see too. Vin, check that Tooth Fairy comment above. Copy/paste to your agent. Thanks. The chemistry of these two massive personalities on screen work well together. The cocky banter and great physicality of these performers is exactly what you expect from a movie like this.

And the plot is a little better in this than previous installments. Typically in this franchise there is one conflict and goal to overcome, while this one dares to layer a few different objectives and obsticles, I really felt like they kept it running on all cylinders.


The action, while good - at times borders on so over the top that it takes you out of the scene. I don’t mind when they make cars do amazing things, thats part of this franchise, but when its clearly impossible stuff that would cripple the most sturdy of vehicles and these guys keep going, I just have to roll my eyes. If this was ALL over the top I would forgive this, but it straddles on the line of legit stunts and crazy over the top too casually.

The movie runs a bit long. When the movie feels like it’s over they go out of their way to wrap up story from some of the lesser characters you weren’t caring about anyways. I give them an A for effort at not leaving those unresolved, but the delivery just drags the movie about 20 minutes past the part that feels like the end.


Really good action that pushes the limits (occassionally tipping over) and some great character interaction and dialogue. Let’s not forget the hot cars. Its everything I would have hoped for from this franchise and kept me awake in a fifth installment. Not bad at all.

I give Fast Five a 7 out of 10

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Rodney who has written 8841 posts on The Movie Blog

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9 Responses to “Review: Fast Five”

  1. Bigsampson says:

    WOW a 7. I might have to see this now. If you would have said 5 no way but a 7 means it was entertaining. I like the Rocks. I smell what he is cooking! Super stardom!

  2. tzaylor says:

    I’m not a Fast and Furious fanboy, I’ve seen about half of them and never got that excited about them. I went to this one based on the look of the trailers and was NOT disappointed. I might go see it again at a mattinae (spellcheck)

    I didn’t get all the inside character reveals. The audience ooohed and ahhed over character entrances I didn’t understand, but it didn’t matter, this was one heck of a fun movie. I hope they keep the stunt quality up for the next one. I loved the fact that I couldn’t tell if it was CGI. I’m so sick of CGI. These stunts, while over the top, at least looked like real stunts and I loved it. Job well done in my opinion. They deserve the money they are RAKING in.

  3. Lucky says:

    Someone said there “something special” after the credits, which will lead to further sequels… any guess?

  4. Rowedypiper says:

    I saw Fast Five this past weekend in IMAX. I have to admit it’s my favorite movie of the franchise since the first installment. The stinger at the end does indeed allude to another sequel. It was slightly far-fetched, but what in this franchise isn’t? Plus it brought Eva Mendes back in the mix.

  5. ramsey says:

    this one is my fav of the whole series and the reason was dwayne johnson. i saw this movie only for the fight between the rock and vin diesel which didnt disappoint. the adding of the rock and his chasing the duo of vin and paul made it way better than the rest. it wasnt just paul and vin are robin hooding the bad guy, but it was robin hood being chased by the biggest baddest officer on the planet. i gave it an 8/10. and good twist on the ending.

  6. Kevin says:

    I went and saw this on Friday and this movie owns. The rock and vin diesel fight was epic just like I was hoping it would be. This movie was def the best in the series with the chase through the rio de janiro slums a real standout for me. I say bring on the sixth one and considering the scene after the credits and the crazy amount of money it brought in this weekend(83,600,000) which surprised me I def think well be seeing another one. I always would like to see a spin off movie for the rock character Luke Hobbs that would be a sick action movie. Anyway I recommend all of you to go see this one of the best action movies in awhile.

  7. Steve says:

    I feel like a 7 is kind of low. This movie was pure awesome. Sure it had some cheesy dialogue, but all of the action was so well done, I could over look that. The over-the-top moments are expected. I actually laughed after the opening scene cause it was so far fetched. Another one follows not to long after, the whole theater actually broke out laughing at that one.

    This movie had great action, great chemistry between all of the characters (especially ludacris and tyrese), was hilarious at times. The shocker after the credits left me going WOWWWWWWWWWWWW WTF!!

    Can’t wait for the next. I think this movie deserved an 8 at least, probably a 9 at the highest. Fast and Furious is no longer a guilty pleasure, this movie was sick.

  8. MichoPower says:

    Easily the absolute best movie of the franchise! Sure the action was over the top at times, but what action movie isn’t? If that is such a big deal to you then maybe you should stick with watching the Documentary Channel only. The only thing I saw wrong with the movie was that some of the characters just seemed useless on the team…I won’t go into details because of spoilers. I used to think that Vin Diesel was the man and one big MoFo! But after seeing him and the Rock square off…man he looked puny!!! This is a great movie and HIGHLY recommend it!

  9. Amelia says:

    thank you for letting me share

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