New Green Lantern Trailer

Posted by Anthonyon 04. 05. 2011in News Chat

This is one of those movies that’s either going to be really really good, or really really bad. I’m on the fence about this movie myself but I am optimistic about the whole thing. Why? because I love Green Lantern and Ryan Reynolds has yet to disappoint me with a performance. Let’s take a look at this new trailer and see if they give any other reasons to give this movie a chance.

Via: Yahoo Movies

This is by far the best that they’ve done with presenting footage to fans. Wondercon was the start and they’ve really been making a strong effort to promote and market this movie to success. There are still portions where the CGI clearly has more work to be done, but overall I really like the tone and pacing of this trialer. I like how they emphasize the corps in this trailer almost implying that it’s as much a “Green Lantern Corps” film as much as a “Hal Jordan” movie.

I like what I’m seeing so far of Mark Strong in the role is Sinestro as I wasn’t entirely confident in him in that role. He has the presence needed and certainly is able to translate the arrogance of the character. If you are a true GL fan then there’s a lot to appreciate in this trailer, especially since they finally showed a guardian! I still can’t tell how tall he is or which one…

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Anthony who has written 264 posts on The Movie Blog

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11 Responses to “New Green Lantern Trailer”

  1. Lucky says:

    O boy, this summer is going to be tough… How much can i spend???!!! This trailer is the best that has came out, and i am in!!!!

  2. Salem says:


  3. Roman says:

    I didn’t want to like this but I am coming around, oh boy

  4. Devon says:

    I’m liking what I’m seeing. Looks better and better every time

  5. knossis says:

    Yep! WB finally got it together and put out some decent trailers for this great character. They can go far with this mythos if they handle it with care. Good start!

  6. Lawrence says:

    For sure, there will be a Sinestro Corps battling the Green Lantern Corps. The yellow Sinestro Corps symbol is right in this trailer. I’m betting Part 3 will feature the yellow and the green corps duking it out.

  7. vargas says:

    Looks good. I don’t much about GL but I’m excited to see this movie.

  8. Casey says:

    Green Lantern is my second favorite DC hero (second only to Batman), so that in combination with this trailer has me really excited to see this film. I agree that Mark Strong looks really good as Sinestro. I look forward to seeing him duke it out with Hal, though I don’t think we’ll actually see that until the second film (not counting Hal’s training), as I believe I read he won’t be a full-fledged villain until the sequel, though I could be remembering that one wrong.

  9. 420BAND says:

    Still trying to buy in……….
    want to buy in……….

    maybee they’ll spend another 9 mil and improve it some more by the time it comes out.

    (Shatner voice)…keep-ing…me..back!

    • 420BAND says:

      (cant help myself…sorry)
      I got a feeling were all gonna have the same face as that guardian in the photo of this post when it’s all said and done.

      Hope not though……really

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