New First Class featurette

Posted by Anthonyon 27. 05. 2011in News Chat

You know I said I wouldn’t do it. I wrestled with this decision for a long time. Seriously, it’s not peer pressure or anything it’s just that I’m doing this for your sake and not mine. I’m posting more footage from X-Men: First Class. I know, we’ve already seen everything but the opening and end credits but somehow this featurette takes that footage and re-introduces it and manages to include some unseen scenes.

Source: Geek Tyrant

If you didn’t think you saw the entire movie yet then you have now. Only person missing in the clips is more footage of Kevin Bacon in his role as Sebastian Shaw. I liked the footage in this clip and the implied action from the film, but I really am feeling overwhelmed with the idea that I may have seen more than I should have without purchasing a ticket.

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Anthony who has written 317 posts on The Movie Blog

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4 Responses to “New First Class featurette”

  1. Darren says:

    In a way I’m glad that they aren’t showing much of Bacon as Shaw. While it’s possible there still might be another clip coming w/ Shaw and Frost, I kind of hope they still hold back until the films release.

    But y’know, if they were going to be this secretive, they could have used another character and we’d never know until the last moment. Don’t laugh. I had this odd thought of Dazzler being a cameo for some reason. Don’t ask me why.

  2. Josh says:

    I don’t know how but every time I see a new clip or featurette for this movie I get more excited…This week better fly by or I am going to explode.

  3. Roderick says:

    i saw storm as a kid!

  4. Royal says:

    The movie looks great! That said, I’m quite underwhelmed by Frost. I don’t know how old Frost is supposed to be here, but it’s off-putting to see a young girl dress like an old vixen. And it makes no sense to me to have Frost flaunting the cleavage given that it’s the 1960′s.

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