Natali Jacks Into ‘Neuromancer’

Posted by on 22. 05. 2011in News Chat

Finally after years of development, it appears the adaptation of SF ‘cyberpunk’ author William Gibson’s “Neuromancer” is finally coming to pass, and with Splice helmer Vincent Natali at the helm.
The good folks over at /Film reports:

After years in development, Vincenzo Natali’s Neuromancer is finally moving forward. According to a press release, the film has secured sales from distributors at Cannes and visual effects work has already begun. Filming will begin in 2012 with locations in Canada, Istanbul, Tokyo, and London.

Neuromancer is an adaptation of William Gibson’s award-winning book of the same name. The book is widely regarded as visionary, foretelling certain aspects of the internet and coining the term “cyberspace.”

I for one am hyped about this; I think if this goes through it finally could be not just one breakthrough but two. One being that the Cube director gets more exposure and appriciation. The other being that maybe Gibson’s work can be adapted into a film without glitches- the last two-based on two of his short stories The New Rose Hotel and, most notably, Johnny Nuemonic, were two clunkers back in the 90s. While Gibson’s books and stories have remained popular, the film projects have gone cold. Hopefully, this will turn the tide.

Anyone else thrilled with this news? Who would you like to see as Case or Molly?

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"Revenge is sweet and not fattening." Alfred Hitchcock

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4 Responses to “Natali Jacks Into ‘Neuromancer’”

  1. Daniel says:

    It’s been a while since I read the book but Helena B. Carter as Molly and maybe someone like Crowe as Case.

    • Richard Marks says:

      Sorry to be a negative voice, but…Neuromancer is probably doomed. Again! Have a look at the main producers behind the project. Jay Firestone and Peter Hoffman. Look them up . You’ll notice that their track record with film is not exactly impressive. Frankly, Neuromancer is out of their league and it only an accident of fate that got them involved in it. Vincenzo is THE director for Neuromancer, I think-just wish we could say the same for the producers.

  2. Theocrat says:

    Callum something - he was in the Tudors as the kings friend and then in Dead Like Me. Tall lanky fellow. Russell Crowe seems a bit too old for the part. Cypberpunk revolves around the young - 13 - 23. So even Callum is likely too old, but you don’t want a young kid in the part.
    This being such a literary novel, it needs to be someone that can handle the historical aspect of the story and what it has done for modern society otherwise it can easily default to a dvd release only.
    Dakota Fanning likely fits the bill of Molly - a very good child actor, seems to be at about the right age. However, ‘dirtying’ her up might not be as feaseable as it sounds. Her image is pretty clean.
    The overall feel of the movie should be similar to BSG - dirty and grimmy feel, with hope and a better outlook on life just outside the walls of their cereal box hotel rooms.

  3. Darren says:

    Indeed, Crowe may be too old-but remember that Case was in his 30s according to the novel.

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