Lars von Trier Banned from Cannes

Posted by Rodneyon 22. 05. 2011in News Chat

They say that the most important part of the joke is the delivery. Even a good punchline doesn’t work if the gag itself isn’t funny. Well it would appear that Lars von Trier is just not funny.

Lars von Trier premiered his latest film Melancholia at the Cannes film festival. This is not a comedy film, and after his attempt to make light of his “I sympathize with Hitler” statement at a Cannes press conference makes me confident that he does not have a career in comedy.

If you are going to call yourself a Hitler sympathizer, “I am a Nazi” might not be the best line to deadpan. That statement needs some solid justification to not hang yourself with it, but Herr von Trier missed that class in improv…

Seeing Kristen Dunst next to him just about to climb out of her own skin just makes this all that much more uncomfortable. The only amusing thing he said is “Now how can I get out of this sentence” which makes me think he realized the crap he just stepped in.

But now it appears that the Cannes Festival Board of directors have branded him “persona non grata” which for you non latin speaking folks out there means “We can’t be friends anymore”. The official well worded ban from the festival did not contain any stumbling attempts to insult Jews:

“Cannes provides artists with an exceptional forum to present their works and defend freedom of expression and creation. We profoundly regret that this forum has been used by Lars von Trier to express comments that are unacceptable, intolerable, and contrary to the ideals of humanity and generosity that preside over the very existence of the festival.”

Gordon and the Whale‘s Josh Brunsting brings up a good point:

“Would Cannes have banned Walt Disney? Would they ban Polanski? Doubt it.” They can ban Lars von Trier for this verbal stumble and poorly delivered statement… but continue to entertain Roman Polanski’s works? I wouldn’t put Disney in there as best I can tell he was an over eager anti-communist in an era where that would be applauded. Polanski drugged and raped an underage girl.

Do you think von Trier was just stumbling over his words? Does saying he sympathizes with Hitler have some other meaning we are missing here? Does he deserve a ban?

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Rodney who has written 8832 posts on The Movie Blog

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18 Responses to “Lars von Trier Banned from Cannes”

  1. bernard says:

    I’m pretty sure he just had bad sense of joke… comedian he ain’t. But ban him for life? that pretty heavy handed isn’t it? They said they respecting freedom of speech but not the person who deliver it. Quite a bit two face approach then? So freedom of speech has it limit on the term of freedom then…

    • Rodney says:

      Freedom of speech does not give you the freedom to be right about it.

      They didn’t say he couldn’t have those beliefs, just that this was not an acceptable forum to share them. These statements had nothing to do with his film and the platform he was given was to discuss his film.

      Its not a limit on the term freedom. Common misconception.

      The right to “freedom of speech” is not limitless, and hate speech is very much illegal and not protected by the freedom of speech. Sympathizing with Hitler could easily be considered “Hate Speech” and while no legal action is being taken here, they are still complying with the base principals of “Freedom of Speech” as it is recognized in many democratic parts of the world.

      • ulfsark says:

        Actually, Hate speech is legal, and protected by our Freedom of Speech. The only thing that is illegal, is if you are inciting to riot or imminent violence.

      • Rodney says:

        Not True.

        While in the US you can perform your hate speech up until it incites a riot or violent act and not be arrested (note, no criminal charges are being brought against von Trier) in Canada, France, UK and most of Europe, Hate Speech is not protected by Freedom of Speech.

        They are well within their rights to stand against what they consider “unacceptable, intolerable, and contrary to the ideals of humanity and generosity that preside over the very existence of the festival.”

        This is not the question though. The question is whether von Trier is really promoting sympathy for Hitler? If his statement was better worded could we understand better what he was trying to say?

        He didn’t say “I wish Hitler had won” but he said he “understood” him. I “understand” why some terrorist groups attack Americans, but that just means I know what their motivations, rationalizations and theories are. It doesn’t mean I am endorsing it, encouraging it, or would even wish to tolerate it. Quite the opposite. I think they are dead wrong, but I know the excuses they are giving as to why they hate.

      • josh harris says:

        Cannes is not the french government so this was in no way an attack on free speech this was completely fine
        Private groups have all the right to “ban” individuals from events for this kind of speech

      • fritzilla says:

        Making hate speech illegal is like making food that tastes bad illegal. There are so many subjective issues with a law that makes hates speech illegal. For one you have to determine what is hate speech and what isn’t. This can be fickle and ever changing. What one person percieves as hate another might find just a little offensive and another might find funny. I find the cross placed in a jar of urine offensive and hateful to Christians but it’s protected under free speech in America. This is key because if the law is ambiguous it’s hard to apply consistently and fairly, which can lead to a slippery slope.

        Anyway, I doubt the guy was making a case for Hitler. He said something inappropriate and probably realised to late that it didn’t come out right. I think he could always make a press release clarifying his viewpoint if he wanted to.

        I also support the right of Cannes to express their opinion or free speech.

        I think many people confuse the right of free speech without government censor with the right to say what you want without consequences at all. In America, you have the right to say what you want but you might not like the results or reactions. You should be able to say whatever you want without the police hauling you to jail. That doesn’t mean you won’t loose your job, have someone physically assualt you, loose respect of others, etc…

  2. beejag says:

    I understand this might be some-what off topic, but what is with all the damn Disney hate? I can understand not liking the guy, but throwing him in with the likes of Polanski? Come the fuck on!

    • Mr. James says:

      I completely agree beejag. I fully blame Family Guy as the biggest media proponent of this outright lie that Walt Disney was a nazi or simply hated jews in general. Those younger viewers of Family Guy that can not do any more research than a simple wikipedia search have bought the lie hook, line, and sinker and continue to propagate the untruth in blogs, forums, and anywhere else idiots feel like congregating. The internet…gotta’ love it!

      • josh harris says:

        yes its true some people from the 1900′s were a bit unnecessarily prejudice of jews like Heny Ford and Walt Disney but bot of them supported the war effort against Nazi Germany which saved thousands of jews lives and walt disney is no rapist

  3. Jeff says:

    Taken in context, the statements are so clearly tongue in cheek that I think Cannes must have been just looking for an excuse to ban the man. Behind the joke, if we must expel all irony, is a statement about Trier having such a macabre sense of empathy that he can even put himself in the shoes of someone as monstrous as Hitler. Trier is an incredibly depressed individual, and when depressed individuals allow themselves a flight of fancy, the salivating political correctness watchdogs are often quick to jump all over it. “Von Trier called himself a nazi! He’s come out of the closet! It’s the only possible explanation! No one ever makes jokes *gasp* about such things!”

    • ulfsark says:

      The guy is obviously trying to joke around and failing miserably, while at the same time not having the vocabulary in English to express himself properly.

      Meanwhile, Mel Brooks makes such jokes, but because its funny, no one bans him.

  4. fullmetal_medji says:

    It’s a shame that he got banned from the festival. He should have just kept his mouth shut.

  5. bernard says:

    well, because Mell Brooks is a comedian & jewish.

  6. M says:

    The only mentality that’s small is Refn’s for smearing an entire country because of the words of just one of its citizens, von Trier. Far from having ‘sympathy’ for Hitler, Denmark defied the dictator as courageously as any nation; indeed, more so. When Hitler demanded that the populace hand over all their Jewish citizens, every Dane paraded the next day in front of the Nazis with a yellow Star of David on his sleeve. That is not small - that is epic courage of the highest order. Nicolas Refn owes his country an apology

  7. vargas says:

    When I was growing up, a lot of women in the neighborhood (like my mom) used to say: “If you can’t find something nice to say, come sit by me.” It would seem that Von Trier never got such sage advice.

    I don’t think Von Trier is a Nazi sympathizer. The context in which this incident happened from what I read in The Hollywood Reporter assured me of that. I think he’s an egotist who doesn’t possess much in the way of common sense. I hope he isn’t banned for life. After all, I don’t remember Mel Gibson or Roman Polanski being banned (someone correct me if I’m wrong). He should be banned for a number of years for this.

    He brought this on himself. He should have took a deep long breath before he said anything, and then shut his mouth.

    • TheSwede says:

      Vargas: I don’t know if you’re American but in Europe the whole Hitler-thing isn’t such a bad thing. You can joke about him and there are a ALOT of books coming out about his life and stuff. So me being swedish dosn’t think that it’s one bit strange when someone says they understand Hitler, dosn’t mean they understand and support killing people (which isn’t the only thing he did).

      Also, keep in mind that von Triers english isn’t any good but he always(!) tries. This just backfired but banning him for years… havn’t we got anyone more deserving to steer our hatred at?

      • vargas says:

        Well perhaps only for a year, just to say to him “Hey, marketing your film is fine, but be mindful of how you come off to others.”

        In any case, I don’t have anything against him and I hope he’s learned a lesson in being a little more sensitive and wise in how he speaks and I hope they reverse their decision and let him back in.

  8. TheSwede says:

    This is just von Triers way of getting promotion for his film. This is what he does at Cannes, always have and always will. I think Cannes need him cuz he always brings attention both to his movies and the festival.

    Saying you understand Hitler dosn’t make you anything at all. Keep in mind that his english is far from flawless.

    Mark my words, he will be back at Cannes.

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