Idris Elba would Take on Power Man

Posted by Rodneyon 01. 05. 2011in News Chat

It seems that the controversially cast White God Heimdall has other Marvel Heroes on his wish list too. Idris Elba faced flack for being cast in the role of the “White Warrior God” in the adaptation of Marvel’s Thor (loosely based on characters of Norse mythology - exhale people) but now says if given the chance would love to play an ethnically appropriate Luke Cage, better known as Power Man.

Hopefully not in the 70s open chest yellow wide collar get up.

“I’d like a stab at Luke Cage,” he said when asked if there were any other MarvelUniverse characters he’d be interested in portraying.

Elba, who is still best known for his role as Stringer Bell on “The Wire”, would have some competition for the part. Isaiah Mustafa recently spoke with Superhero Hype about his quest for the role. Other names that have been thrown around include Tyrese Gibson and Jamie Foxx.

Idris was on my short list to play Black Panther so I am still pulling for him to take on that role.

The Old Spice guy and former NFL Wide Reciever Isaiah Mustafa is still my pick for Luke Cage. Mostly because Power Man won’t likely be a stand alone film as he is often teamed up with his Heroes For Hire teammate Iron Fist. I could see Mustafa’s charm carrying him in a role where he shares the spotlight with another actor (depending on that actor) but I have no idea if Mustafa’s dashing smile would carry him through a solo lead - if they even consider him at all.

Still, at the end of the day, I wouldn’t mind Idris Elba as Power Man either - but considering the valid potential options on their plate I couldn’t see them using an actor they have already used in one role for the same studio/comic imprint. (not that its never happened)

This of course is all wild speculation as it was Elba saying it would be cool (likewise for Mustafa) not a studio saying they were considering it.

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Rodney who has written 8794 posts on The Movie Blog

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8 Responses to “Idris Elba would Take on Power Man”

  1. Anti-Septic says:

    Would love to see Idris Elba as Luke Cage, it is a frikken joke that Jamie Foxx and Tyrese Gibson are even mentioned for the role, I wouldn’t pay a single cent to see either of those two gentlemen portray Power Man.

    The Old Spice guy would be interesting but for some reason I just dont see him as Luke Cage, cant explain why.

  2. TheSwede says:

    Just saw Thor yesterday (I live in Sweden so give me a break) and as a far as Thor goes it was frickin’ awesome! I never thought I would like it. Swedes all read about the Norse gods in school and Thor the comic has never been a hit here so I was sure I would think it was a but tacky but BIG ups to Branagh(?). He kept it so tight.

    Also, Idris owned as Heimdal! It really really didn’t bother me that he wasn’t white. GREAT movie and outstanding actors and story.

    For me it is the best Marvel-movie yet and I have never even read/watched/whatever Thor!

  3. Lawrence says:

    I know this out of the topic. But I think if John Stewart were to appear in a Green Lantern sequel, I’d like to cast Idris Elba as Stewart. His demeanor and cool voice is perfect for the black Green Lantern.

  4. knossis says:

    With you guys on the John Stewart front. Him as Power Man would be cool but with more Thor movies coming and him entrenched to play Heimdal that would be a hard sell. Marvel studio’s probably wouldn’t want to have the same actor in difference in a movie universe that is so connected. He’s a wonderful actor though.

  5. 420BAND says:

    Black Panther feels better suited to me BUT I can see how this would be difficult and to close to home since he’s also an Avenger and Thor is as well.

    Heroes for hire would be cool as a tounge in-cheek 70′s retro vibe and in my head Mr. “Black Dynamite” Micheal J. White would be sweet.

    just sayin’

  6. Chit_LaMarde says:

    yeah he would be better at the black panther but im sure he would pull of a great power man too.

    id like to see both those films made

  7. Pman-67 says:

    Mustafa’s dashing smile, you say? Christmas, Rodney! Everyone knows that Luke Cage doesn’t smile.

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