Full Conan the Barbarian in 3D Trailer Online

Posted by Rodneyon 04. 05. 2011in News Chat

The full trailer for Conan the Barbarian in 3D is online, and it looks to be bringing a ton of eyecandy and a pantload of action.

Check it out.

This LOOKS awesome… but again we have a period fantasy piece with modern power chord metal. Seriously?

Its a little more anthem-y… is that a word?

But still, it just grates my nerves to see a mythical fantasy world and hear electric power chord rock. Just doesn’t work at all for me.

SAME SCORE with an orchestra, and it would be a winner.

I don’t understand why they do this.

Still, the movie looks pretty epic, and Momoa is already proving his intimidation factor on A Game of Thrones (awesome) as the very barbarian like Khal Drogo.

I have hopes, but I also hope this is just trailer music, not actual film score.

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Rodney who has written 8798 posts on The Movie Blog

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17 Responses to “Full Conan the Barbarian in 3D Trailer Online”

  1. Roderick says:

    betchu there are no boobies in this movie, just well placed cameras.

  2. Shadess says:

    Looks good. No way I won’t enjoy the movie.

  3. Anti-Septic says:

    A much improved trailer, I see no resemblance to PoP though as another remarked. You could maybe draw some comparisons to 300 Spartans but not really.

    I will be excited to see this for sure.

  4. sedgwick says:

    I want to rub Rose McGowan’s extra big forehead in this. I can’t believe surprisingly good this looks. The perfect pop corn movie.

  5. knossis says:

    They need to add that epic music from Arnold’s Conan and then it would really feel like Conan to me.

  6. ulfsark says:

    I just wish it wasn’t in 3D.

  7. Bigsampson says:

    wow I am not gonna lie this movie will make over $250 mill just by looking at everything that was in this trailer. So many awesome looking locations. I was skeptical but I am won!

  8. giantguy1321 says:

    Very similar in character design to 300. Visually a lot like Clash of the titans (A movie that sucked in my opinion). Hopefully they won’t push the story into the background over the visual effects. However by making it 3D that’s pretty much a given. I’ve yet to see a modern 3D movie with a well thought out and executed plot. They even manage to ruin the remakes by dwelling more on 3D sequence set-up rather than story practicality and pace.

    The reason the original Clash of the titans worked is the well paced story allowing the viewer time to adapt to the on-screen world and characters. The remake thrusted us in and expected us to accept one-dimentional characters and an all over the place/bare-bones plot adaptation!!

    Let’s see how this one goes!!! Any guesses???

  9. Anthony says:

    This looks good. I hope the folks who are making that God of War movie are taking notes.

  10. Mr. James says:

    One quick question…did anyone hear the way that the girl at the end of the trailer say his name? She said it like Conan O’Brian’s name sounds. I always thought the character’s name had more emphasis on the first part of the word, like “CO-Nan”. Hearing her say it like that immediately made me think of Conan O’Brian. I’m hoping he somehow finds a way to spoof this film on his show. Anyone else felt the same thing or think it matters how the character’s name is pronounced?

  11. 420band says:

    Looks way better than I thought it would.

    nowhere near POP, this one has a guy who looks like he can actually lift his sword. lol

    as for the music, Iron Maiden woulda been nice.

  12. Collin says:

    Was it shot or 3-D or being converted?

  13. bjon6 says:

    The reason they put rock music in these movie trailers is because the orchestras make the movie seem so serious and this movie is obviously just about tits and action. Nobody would ever look at this movie and consider it serious. It would actually pull “the general public” out of the movie as opposed to pulling them in. Maybe not while watching the actual movie but in the trailer yea.

  14. Jordan says:

    Sweet, looking good!

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